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instillinglight.com screenshot
instillinglight.com home screenshot

Instillinglight.com Onpage Report

 Updated on June 17 2024 11:37 AM

The score is 54/100

SEO Content

Website Title

Instilling Light PLLC | Couples Counseling and Family Therapy

Length : 61

Good! Your title is perfect because it is between 10 and 70 characters long.

Website Description

Through a collaborative and strengths-based approach, we walk alongside you, help provide new perspectives, examine your relationships, help empower you, support you, and encourage you to become the best version of yourself. We offer individual counseling in Denver, Colorado as well as couples and family counseling and group therapy. We're grateful you found us.

Length : 374

Hey!, Your meta description should ideally be between 70 and 160 characters long (spaces included).


Hey! You should consider putting meta keywords on your page.

Og Meta Properties

Great!, OG Properties are used on your page.

Property Content
site_name Instilling Light PLLC | Westminster, CO
title Instilling Light PLLC | Couples Counseling and Family Therapy
url https://www.instillinglight.com
type website
description Through a collaborative and strengths-based approach, we walk alongside you, help provide new perspectives, examine your relationships, help empower you, support you, and encourage you to become the best version of yourself. We offer individual counseling in Denver, Colorado as well as couples and f
image http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b67696c8ab72252d5d44e5f/t/64f8f4932ba5bc1260faf38a/1694037139794/Instilling+Light+PLLC+Counseling+Logo.jpeg?format=1500w
image:width 200
image:height 200


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
0 2 3 0 0 0
  • [H2] It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
  • [H2] Feel safe. Feel seen. Feel heard.
  • [H3] Aristotle
  • [H3] Life experiences can leave us wondering if we are worth it, whether we will ever be fulfilled, whether there is hope for healing and happiness. Together we will explore what can be, what you desire and are capable of. We will hold light to the darkness, illuminate every corner, and journey through the thick of it.


We found 10 images on this web page.

Needs attention! Add alternative text to your images so that search engines can better grasp what they're about. There are 3 alt attributes that are either empty or missing.

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 13%

Because the text-to-HTML-code ratio on this page is less than 15, your website most likely needs additional text content.


Good!, you are not using Flash content.


Good!, This page does not contain any Iframes.

SEO URL Rewrite

Excellent! Your url seems SEO friendly.

URL Underscores

Good! There are no underscores in your URLs.

In-page links

We found a total of 20 links including 0 link(s) to files

Anchor Type Juice
Home Internal Passing Juice
Blog Internal Passing Juice
Request Appointment Internal Passing Juice
What We Do Internal Passing Juice
Who We Are Internal Passing Juice
Prenatal & Postpartum Therapy Internal Passing Juice
Trauma-Based Treatments Internal Passing Juice
Contact Internal Passing Juice
Location Internal Passing Juice
Rates & Insurance Internal Passing Juice
Surprise Billing Disclosure Internal Passing Juice
Good Faith Estimate Rights Internal Passing Juice
Waiting Room Internal Passing Juice
Playroom Internal Passing Juice
Offices Internal Passing Juice
About Internal Passing Juice
Rates and Insurance Internal Passing Juice
See Inside Internal Passing Juice
© 2021 INSTILLING LIGHT PLLC Internal Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
Related: insulinhub.com, insuranceexpress.com and integralpmi.com

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

pllc therapy instilling insurance rates 9am family 5pm light inside

Keywords Consistency

Keyword Content Website Title Keywords Website Description Headings
light 8
therapy 7
9am 6
5pm 6
instilling 5



Domain : instillinglight.com

Length : 19


Nice, you are using Favicon for your website.


Ooops. Print-Friendly CSS recommended to your website.


Good. For declaring en as your website's language.

Dublin Core

Oops. Dublin Core isn't being used on this page.





Good!. For specifying UTF-8 as your page charset.

W3C Validity

Errors : 25

Warnings : 15

Email Privacy

Hey! You should convert your email addresses into image. This is to prevent the email harvesting software to catch your email address.

Deprecated HTML

Great! No obsolete or deprecated HTML tags on your website. This is recommended to improve visitor's user experience.

Speed Tips

Good, Your page are not using nested tables.
Not Good., We found inline styles in your website. Try to avoid this as much as possible.
Perfect!, There are only a few CSS files on your website.
Needs attention!, We detected too much JS files on your page. (more than 6). Our Advice: try to minify or consolidate these JS files instead. This affects the speed of your page.
Perfect, Your website makes use of Gzip compression.


Mobile Optimization

Apple Icon
Meta Viewport Tag
Flash content


XML Sitemap

Perfectly Awesome!, We found XML Sitemap on your website. This helps search engine to index most if not all of your pages.




Awesome, A robots.txt file exists on your website.


Awesome!, An analytics tool is in use on your website. This is a must have for every website to check visitors activity and to know how many visitors a site received each day.

   Google Analytics

PageSpeed Insights


More: intellizant.com, interestingpsychology.com, interlakenbrands.com, internetdiscada.com, internetinfoblog.com, intervene.co.zw