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SiteChecker is a free SEO tool that provides recommendation for better search engine visibility.

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Vhs-rlp.de Onpage Report

 Updated on September 19 2024 07:17 AM

Old data? UPDATE this report !

The score is 49/100

SEO Content

Website Title

vhs-rlp.de: Landesverband der Volkshochschulen in Rheinland-Pfalz

Length : 65

Good! Your title is perfect because it is between 10 and 70 characters long.

Website Description

Landesverband der Volkshochschulen in Rheinland-Pfalz, Förderung der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung, Interessen- und Fachverband der 65 Volkshochschulen in Rheinland-Pfalz

Length : 171

Hey!, Your meta description should ideally be between 70 and 160 characters long (spaces included).


VHS, Volkshochschule, Weiterbildung, Fortbildung Gesellschaft, Kultur und Kunst, Gesundheitsbildung, Sprachen, Arbeit, Beruf, Online, Integration, Einbürgerungstests

Nice one, we check that you are using meta keywords on your website.

Og Meta Properties

Og Properties aren't being used on this page. This tag helps social crawlers like facebook and twitter to structure your page more effectively.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
15 4 1 1 0 0
  • [H1] Herzlich willkommen
  • [H1] Jahresbericht 2023
  • [H1] Perspektive Europa: miteinander voneinander lernen
  • [H1] vhs talk
  • [H1] Kultursommer Rheinland-Pfalz 2024 - Begleitprogramm der Volkshochschulen
  • [H1] Bürgernahe Medienkompetenz in Rheinland-Pfalz - Jetzt alle Angebote mit einem Klick!
  • [H1] Magazin 2024 „Perspektive Europa: miteinander voneinander lernen“
  • [H1] Fortbildungsprogramm für Kursleiter*innen 2024
  • [H1] Wir sind Mitglied im "Bündnis Demokratie gewinnt Rheinland-Pfalz"
  • [H1] vhs-Kursfinder
  • [H1] DigComp 2.1 Einstufungstest
  • [H1] Kurse an der vhs leiten
  • [H1] Preisgekrönt: Der offizielle Werbespot der vhs "Jetzt entdecken!"
  • [H1] Modellprojekt „Digitale Grundbildung“
  • [H1] vhs Film Vielfalt. Begegnung. Offenheit.
  • [H2] Kontakt
  • [H2] Zertifikate
  • [H2] Einbürgerungstest
  • [H2] Interner Bereich
  • [H3]
  • [H4] Unsere Programmbereiche


We found 32 images on this web page.

Needs attention! Add alternative text to your images so that search engines can better grasp what they're about. There are 13 alt attributes that are either empty or missing.

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 13%

Because the text-to-HTML-code ratio on this page is less than 15, your website most likely needs additional text content.


Good!, you are not using Flash content.


Bad!, We found Iframe(s) in your page. The content within that Iframe cannot be index by Search Engines.

SEO URL Rewrite

Excellent! Your url seems SEO friendly.

URL Underscores

No Good. In your URLs, we found underscores. To improve your SEO, you should consider using  hyphens instead.

In-page links

We found a total of 79 links including 4 link(s) to files

Anchor Type Juice
Startseite Internal Passing Juice
Der Verband Internal Passing Juice
Team Internal Passing Juice
Leitbild Internal Passing Juice
Organe und Gremien Internal Passing Juice
Arbeitskreis Nord Internal Passing Juice
Arbeitskreis Süd Internal Passing Juice
Arbeitskreis Große vhs Internal Passing Juice
Arbeitskreis Kreisvolkshochschulen Internal Passing Juice
Mitgliedseinrichtungen Internal Passing Juice
Interaktive Karte vhs RLP Internal Passing Juice
vhs-Standortbestimmung Internal Passing Juice
Qualität Internal Passing Juice
Stellenanzeigen Internal Passing Juice
Veranstaltungen des Landesverbandes Internal Passing Juice
2024: Mitgliederversammlung Internal Passing Juice
2023: Mitgliederversammlung Internal Passing Juice
2022: Mitgliederversammlung Internal Passing Juice
2021: digitale Mitgliederversammlung Internal Passing Juice
2021: 25 Jahre Weiterbildungsgesetz RLP Internal Passing Juice
2020: ZukunftsChance Bildung Internal Passing Juice
2019: 100 Jahre vhs Internal Passing Juice
2019: Mitgliederversammlung Internal Passing Juice
Kontakt Internal Passing Juice
Anfahrt Internal Passing Juice
Kooperationspartner Internal Passing Juice
Grundbildung Internal Passing Juice
GrubiNetz Internal Passing Juice
ESF+ Alphabetisierungskurse Internal Passing Juice
Beruf Internal Passing Juice
Erziehung / Tagespflege Internal Passing Juice
Fachkräftequalifizierungen Internal Passing Juice
Qualifizierung von Sprachförderkräften Internal Passing Juice
Qualifizierung von Tagespflegepersonen Internal Passing Juice
Kita-Verpflegung - gesund und lecker Internal Passing Juice
Kinder forschen - MINT-Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Internal Passing Juice
Frauenbildung / Gender Mainstreaming Internal Passing Juice
Gesellschaft Internal Passing Juice
Jubiläumsjahr „Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland“ Internal Passing Juice
Demokratieführerschein Internal Passing Juice
Gesundheit Internal Passing Juice
Modellprojekt Motivationsberatung Internal Passing Juice
Modellprojekt Sprache und Gesundheit Internal Passing Juice
Integration Internal Passing Juice
BAMF-Erstorientierungskurse für Schutzsuchende und Zugewanderte (EOK) Internal Passing Juice
Feriensprachkurse für Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund Internal Passing Juice
Kultur Internal Passing Juice
Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) Internal Passing Juice
Online Lernen Internal Passing Juice
Smart Surfer - Fit im digitalen Alltag Internal Passing Juice
OER Internal Passing Juice
Schulabschlüsse Internal Passing Juice
Sprachen Internal Passing Juice
telc Schülerstipendien Internal Passing Juice
Veranstaltungen für Kursleitende Internal Passing Juice
Veranstaltungen für hauptamtlich Beschäftigte Internal Passing Juice
Referent*innen Internal Passing Juice
Kursleiter*innen Internal Passing Juice
Fortbildungspass Internal Passing Juice
Wie werde ich Kursleiter*in? Internal Passing Juice
Kursleiter*innenmappe Internal Passing Juice
Fortbildungen Internal Passing Juice
Mehr... Internal Passing Juice
Faltplakat Internal Passing Juice
digi-netz-rlp.de External Passing Juice
Mehr... Internal Passing Juice
Mehr... External Passing Juice
Fortbildungsangeboten Internal Passing Juice
"Demokratie gewinnt" External Passing Juice
www.vhs-kurse-leiten.de External Passing Juice
Video anzeigen External Passing Juice
Zertifikate Internal Passing Juice
Xpert-Zertifikate Internal Passing Juice
Sprachen-Zertifikate Internal Passing Juice
Einbürgerungstest Internal Passing Juice
Datenschutzerklärung Internal Passing Juice
Teilnahmebedingungen/AGB Internal Passing Juice
Widerrufsrecht Internal Passing Juice
Impressum Internal Passing Juice
Related: wecake.es, 3dyunzhan.com and 9laloma.tv

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

rheinland-pfalz den des europa volkshochschulen für und wir auch vhs

Keywords Consistency

Keyword Content Website Title Keywords Website Description Headings
und 22
volkshochschulen 10
den 10
vhs 8
wir 7



Domain : vhs-rlp.de

Length : 10


Nice, you are using Favicon for your website.


Ooops. Print-Friendly CSS recommended to your website.


Good. For declaring de as your website's language.

Dublin Core

Awesome! We detected that your page is using Dublin Core.





Good!. For specifying UTF-8 as your page charset.

W3C Validity

Errors : 0

Warnings : 0

Email Privacy

Hey! You should convert your email addresses into image. This is to prevent the email harvesting software to catch your email address.

Deprecated HTML

Great! No obsolete or deprecated HTML tags on your website. This is recommended to improve visitor's user experience.

Speed Tips

Good, Your page are not using nested tables.
Not Good., We found inline styles in your website. Try to avoid this as much as possible.
Perfect!, There are only a few CSS files on your website.
Needs attention!, We detected too much JS files on your page. (more than 6). Our Advice: try to minify or consolidate these JS files instead. This affects the speed of your page.
Perfect, Your website makes use of Gzip compression.


Mobile Optimization

Apple Icon
Meta Viewport Tag
Flash content


XML Sitemap


Hey! This is not good. There is no XML sitemap on your website.
A sitemap is a list of URLs that are crawlable and can include information such as your site's frequency of changes and most recent updates.



Awesome, A robots.txt file exists on your website.



Ooops. This website does not appear to have an analytics tool loaded. Web analytics allows you to track the behavior of your website's visitors. You should install at least one analytics program.

PageSpeed Insights


More: ahano.de, airbus-seclab.github.io, bag-englisch.de, baucampus.de, baugutachter-minden.com, bausachverstaendiger.cc