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Oslo | euronext.com

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  • [H1] Oslo Børs
  • [H2] External menu
  • [H2] Oslo Børs - en del av Euronext
  • [H2] Siste pressemeldinger
  • [H2] Nylige noteringer i Oslo
  • [H2] Notering på Oslo Børs
  • [H2] Medlemskap på Oslo Børs
  • [H2] Energi, shipping og sjømat
  • [H2] Markedsplassene i Oslo
  • [H2] Våre utstedertjenester
  • [H2] Regulatorisk ansvar
  • [H2] Mer Oslo Børs
  • [H2] Kontakt oss
  • [H2] Company
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  • [H2] Footer Small Print Menu
  • [H3] Euronext Securities rolls-out a harmonised corporate actions service to tackle post-trade fragmentation in Europe
  • [H3] Euronext Corporate Services launches new Governance solutions with Annual General Meetings Voting Insight and ESG data distribution
  • [H3] Euronext announces volumes for February 2024
  • [H3] Sentrale bestemmelser
  • [H3] Norsk anbefaling for eierstyring og selskapsledelse
  • [H3] Oslo Børs' IR-anbefaling
  • [H3] Anbefaling om informasjon om regelverk som er relevant for investorer på selskapets nettsider
  • [H3] 2023
  • [H3] 2022
  • [H3] 2019
  • [H3] 2018
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  • [H3] 2018
  • [H3] 2017
  • [H3] 2016
  • [H3] 2015
  • [H3] 2014
  • [H3] 2013
  • [H3] Vedtak og uttalelser
  • [H3] Consultation - Euronext Growth Oslo - Accounting standards for admission to trading
  • [H3] Consultation regarding the Euronext Growth Oslo Rulebook Part II and notices – EGA etc.
  • [H3] Consultation regarding the Membership and Trading Rules– clearing of subscription rights
  • [H3] Consultation regarding the Trading Rules on Euronext Growth – clearing and settlement
  • [H3] Høring vedrørende endringer i utstederreglene - MAR
  • [H3] Høring vedrørende ETF-reglene
  • [H3] Høring vedrørende ABM-reglene for utstedere
  • [H3] Consultation regarding the Trading Rules on Merkur Market
  • [H3] Høring vedrørende Utstederreglene på Merkur Market
  • [H3] Høring vedrørende Utstederreglene
  • [H3] Consultation regarding Nordic ABM Member and Trade Reporting Rules
  • [H3] Consultation regarding Member and Trading Rules
  • [H3] Consultation Regarding Change of Derivatives Rules
  • [H3] Select Language
  • [H4] Aksjekurser og markedsoversikt
  • [H4] Norconsult ASA
  • [H4] Beerenberg AS
  • [H4] Matvareexpressen AS
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  • [H4] My Share Price Live
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  • [H4] Euronext Securities Oslo
  • [H4] Fish Pool
  • [H4] NOTC
  • [H4] NewsWeb
  • [H4] Oslo Børs
  • [H4] Cathrine Lorvik Segerlund
  • [H4] Market Surveillance
  • [H5] Lover
  • [H5] Direktiver
  • [H5] Regelverk
  • [H5] Anbefalinger for børsnoterte selskaper
  • [H5] Noterte selskapers hjemstat
  • [H5] Børsklagenemnden
  • [H5] Euronext Growth (Merkur Market) klagenemnd
  • [H5] Vedtak og uttalelser fra Oslo Børs
  • [H5] Børssirkulærer, vedtak og uttalelser
  • [H5] Rapporter og erklæringer fra Oslo Børs
  • [H5] Høringer
  • [H5] Nyheter om regelverk
  • [H6] Norconsult (NORCO) noteres på Oslo Børs
  • [H6] Beerenberg (BBERG) noteres på Euronext Growth Oslo
  • [H6] Matvareexpressen (MVE) noteres på Euronext Growth Oslo


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På sidan länkar

Vi hittade sammanlagt 785 länkar inklusive 221 länkar till filer

Anchor Typ Juice
Hopp til hovedinnhold Intern Passing Juice
Connect portal Externa Passing Juice
Live Markets Externa Passing Juice
Hjem Intern Passing Juice
Engelsk Intern Passing Juice
Norwegian Intern Passing Juice
OSEBX GR Externa Passing Juice
OSLO ENERGY GR Externa Passing Juice
OBSFX SEAFOOD GR Externa Passing Juice
OBSHX SHIPPING GR Externa Passing Juice
Euronext Securities rolls-out a harmonised corporate actions service to tackle post-trade fragmentation in Europe Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Corporate Services launches new Governance solutions with Annual General Meetings Voting Insight and ESG data distribution Intern Passing Juice
Euronext announces volumes for February 2024 Intern Passing Juice
Verdipapirhandellovens Externa Passing Juice
Definisjon av innsideinformasjon Externa Passing Juice
Misbruk av innsideinformasjon Externa Passing Juice
Markedsmanipulasjon Externa Passing Juice
Salg av finansielle instrumenter selgeren ikke eier Externa Passing Juice
Informasjonspliktens innhold Externa Passing Juice
Likebehandling Externa Passing Juice
Primærinnsiders meldeplikt Externa Passing Juice
Flagging av erverv av større aksjeposter, rettigheter til aksjer og stemmerettigheter Externa Passing Juice
 Lov om verdipapirhandel (verdipapirhandelloven) (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Lov om allmennaksjeselskaper (allmennaksjeloven) (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Lov om finansforetak og finanskonsern (finansforetaksloven) (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Lov om aksjeselskaper (aksjeloven) (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Lov om verdipapirfond (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Lov om årsregnskap (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Verdipapirforskriften (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Forskrift om verdipapirforetaks meldeplikt (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Forskrift om innsendelse av flaggemeldinger mv. (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Forskrift om overgangsregler, lov 2007:74, lov 2007:75 (Lovdata) Externa Passing Juice
 Emisjonskurs og meldeplikt ved utstedelse av ihendehaverobligasjoner (Rundskriv nr. 9/31. desember 1996) Intern Passing Juice
 Prospektdirektivet (2003/71/EF) Externa Passing Juice
 Prospektforordningen (2004/809/EF) Intern Passing Juice
 Endring i prospektforordningen (2006/1787/EF) Intern Passing Juice
 Endring i prospektforordningen (2007/211/EF) Intern Passing Juice
 IAS-forordningen (1606/2002) Externa Passing Juice
 Evaluering av IAS-forordningen (2015) Externa Passing Juice
 Kommisjonsbeslutning av 4. desember 2006 (2006/891/EF) Externa Passing Juice
 Kommisjonsforordning om tilbakekjøpsprogrammer og stabilisering av finansielle instrumenter (2003/2273/EF) Intern Passing Juice
 Opptaksdirektivet (2001/34/EC) Externa Passing Juice
 Verdipapirmarkedsdirektivet - MiFID (2004/39/EC) Externa Passing Juice
 Kommisjonsforordning (2006/1287/ Externa Passing Juice
 Markedsmisbruksdirektivet - MAD (2003/6/EC) Externa Passing Juice
 Kommisjonsdirektiv 2003/124/EC Externa Passing Juice
 Kommisjonsdirektiv 2003/125/EC Externa Passing Juice
 Direktivet om overtakelsestilbud (2004/25/EC) Externa Passing Juice
 Transparency-direktivet (2004/109/EF) Externa Passing Juice
 European Union Externa Passing Juice
 Financial Services Action Plan Externa Passing Juice
 Financial Services and Capital Markets Externa Passing Juice
 European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Externa Passing Juice
 The EU Single Market Externa Passing Juice
 PRELEX Search Externa Passing Juice
Harmoniserte regelverk Intern Passing Juice
Harmoniserte regelverk Intern Passing Juice
Nordic ABM Intern Passing Juice
Regelverk Intern Passing Juice
http://nues.no/eierstyring-og-selskapsledelse/ Externa Passing Juice
Oslo Børs' IR-anbefaling Intern Passing Juice
Informasjon om regelverk som er relevant for investorer på selskapets nettsider Intern Passing Juice
Juridisk nøkkelinformasjon - eksempler Intern Passing Juice
Download Listed companies' home state - Noterte selskapers hjemstat Externa Passing Juice
Verdipapirforskriften  Externa Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 2-2023 - Univid ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2023 - BW ENERGY LIMITED Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 2-2022 – AINMT ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemdens avgjørelse 1-2022 – NTS ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 2-2019 - BW LPG Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2019 - Belships ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2018 - EMAS Offshore Limited Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2017 - RenoNorden Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 2-2016 - Siem Shipping Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2016 - Sandnes Sparebank Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 3-2015 - SpareBank1 Østfold Akershus Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 2-2015 - EVRY ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2015 - EVRY ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2014 - Transeuro Energy Corp Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 3-2013 - IGE Resources AB Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 2-2013 - Intex Resources ASA saksomkostninger Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2013 - Intex Resources ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2012 - Cecon ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2011- Wilh. Wilhelmsen Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 4-2010 - Global IP Solutions Intern Passing Juice
BørsklagenemndBørsklagenemndens avgjørelse 3-2010 - Seadrill Limitedens avgjørelse 3-2010 - Seadrill Limited.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 2-2010 - Rieber & Søn ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1-2010 - Telecomputing ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 5/2009 - Norman ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 4/2009 - DNO International ASA Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 3/2009: Namsos Trafikkselskap Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 2/2009: Dagens Næringsliv Intern Passing Juice
Børsklagenemndens avgjørelse 1/2009: Gyldendal ASA Intern Passing Juice
Mandat og prosedyre for Euronext Growth Oslo klagenemnd Intern Passing Juice
Merkur Market klagenemnd - Avgjørelse 1 - 2019 - Lavo.tv AS Intern Passing Juice
Merkur Market klagenemd - Avgjorelse OXXY - Endelig versjon 2016-10-18 Intern Passing Juice
2024-02-08 - Argeo AS - Kommentarer til selskapets løpende informasjonsplikt og forbudet mot markedsmanipulasjon Intern Passing Juice
20.12.23 - Univid ASA - Merknader til børsmeldinger og korrespondanse med Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
2023-10-27- Univid ASA - Vedtak om strykning Intern Passing Juice
2023-09-18 - SoftOx Solutions AS - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2023-08-24 - Univid ASA (tidl. DLTx ASA) - Kommentarer til selskapets løpende informasjonsplikt mv. Intern Passing Juice
2023-06-22 - Aquila Holdings ASA (tidl. Carbon Transition ASA) - Kommentarer til selskapets håndtering av likebehandlingskravet Intern Passing Juice
2023-06-14 - BW Group Ltd. - Vedtak - Søknad om dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
25.04.2023 - ALNG - Merknader til løpende forpliktelser Intern Passing Juice
2023-03-30 - Otello Corporation ASA - Kommentarer til selskapets løpende informasjonsplikt og kategorisering børsmeldinger Intern Passing Juice
24-03-2023 - PROXI - Merknader til løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2023-03-01 – Huddlestock Fintech AS – Kommentarer til selskapets løpende informasjonsplikt og forbudet mot markedsmanipulasjon Intern Passing Juice
2023-01-12 - Endur ASA - Overtredelse av lopende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2022-12-13 - Belships ASA - Dispensasjon tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2022-11-03 Zenith Energy Ltd. - Violation of duty to promptly notify Oslo Børs of decision to delay disclosure of inside information Intern Passing Juice
2022-10-14 - Odfjell Drilling Ltd og Odfjell Technology Ltd - Dispensasjon tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2022-09-26 - Höegh Autoliners ASA - Dispensasjon tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
20-05-2022 - AINMT ASA - Vedtaksbrev anmodning om tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2022-05-04 Brev til SpareBank 1 Nordmøre.pdf Intern Passing Juice
04-04-2022 Brev om notifikasjoner Intern Passing Juice
25-03-2022 - NTS ASA – Vedtaksbrev anmodning om konsolidering Intern Passing Juice
04-02-22 - RAK Petroleum plc - Exemption from the mandatory offer obligation Intern Passing Juice
2022-01-12 - Vedtak om dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt i Solon Eiendom ASA Intern Passing Juice
Polarcus Limited - Violation of Oslo Rule Book II - delisting of bonds from the Oslo Stock Exchange Intern Passing Juice
2021-12-03 - Lifecare AS - Vedtak om endring av beslutning av 5 oktober 2021 og opprinnelig beslutning om overtredelse av informasjonsplikten Intern Passing Juice
2021-10-22 - Vedtak om dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt i BEWi ASA og KMC Properties ASA Intern Passing Juice
2021-08-19 - Aker BioMarine ASA - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt og opplysningsplikten til Oslo Børs .pdf Intern Passing Juice
2021-06-22- DNB ASA - Brudd på varslingsplikt vedrørende utsatt offentliggjøring.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2021-06-08 - Informasjonsbrev vedrørende overholdelse av utstederes forpliktelser etter MAR Intern Passing Juice
2021-04-27 Endúr ASA - Brudd på varslingsplikten ved beslutning om utsatt offentliggjøring av innsideinformasjon Intern Passing Juice
2021-04-12 Everfuel A/S – Violation of the duty to promptly notify Oslo Børs of decision of delayed disclosure of inside information Intern Passing Juice
2021-03-01 - Gentian Diagnostics AS - Brudd på primærinnsiders meldeplikt og utsteders plikt til å holde primærinnsiderregisteret oppdatert Intern Passing Juice
2021-03-01- Zaptec AS - Brudd på primærinnsiders meldeplikt og utsteders plikt til å holde primærinnsiderregisteret oppdatert Intern Passing Juice
2021-03-01- Vaccibody AS - Brudd på primærinnsiders meldeplikt og utsteders plikt til å holde primærinnsiderregisteret oppdatert Intern Passing Juice
2021-01-29 Infront ASA - Request for guidance mandatory offer rules Intern Passing Juice
2021-01-11 - Informasjonsskriv til utstedere om MAR Intern Passing Juice
2020-12-11 – Quantafuel ASA – Brudd på løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2020-12-03 - Navamedic - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt og utsteders opplysningsplikt.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2020-12-01 - Vedtak om dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt i Siem Offshore Inc Intern Passing Juice
2020-09-17 SoftOx Solutions - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2020-09-17 Lavo.tv AS - Beslutning om strykning Intern Passing Juice
2020-07-08 Eidesvik Offshore ASA - Vedtaksbrev dispensasjonssøknad tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2020-06-22 - G3 Exploration Limited - Delisting from Nordic ABM Intern Passing Juice
2020-04-15 XXL ASA - Brev vedrørende notering av fortrinnsretter Intern Passing Juice
2020-03-10 Gjentatt tilbudsplikt og etterfølgende erverv overgangsregel Intern Passing Juice
2020-03-06 WR Entertainment ASA - Beslutning om strykning Intern Passing Juice
2020-02-14 XXL ASA - Merknader til kapitalinnhenting Intern Passing Juice
2020-02-06 Lavo.tv AS – Overtredelse plikten til å offentliggjøre års- og halvårsrapport.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2019-10-15 - Norske Skog - Exemption from mandatory offer obligation Publication version.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2019-09-18 BW LPG Limited - Begjæring om omgjøring av tidligere vedtak Intern Passing Juice
2019-09-23 Siem Industries Inc. - Violation of disclosure obligations.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2019-07-15 NEL ASA - Merknader til informasjonshåndtering Intern Passing Juice
2019-06-17 Lavo.tv AS - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2019-07-10 - Sino Agro Food Inc - Delisting of shares from Merkur Market.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2019-05-09 Element ASA - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2019-04-23 Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA – Kritikk for informasjonshåndtering Intern Passing Juice
2019-01-22 Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA – Merknader til informasjonshåndtering Intern Passing Juice
2019-01-18 Offentliggjøring av regnskapsinformasjon på egne nettsider Intern Passing Juice
2018-12-21 Belships ASA - Vedtak vedrørende tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2018-11-14 Wentworth Resources Plc - Delisting resolution.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2018-11-02 Sino Agro Food Inc. – Violation of disclosure obligations.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2018-10-30 Sequa Petroleum N.V. - Deregistration of bonds from Nordic ABM.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2018-02-10 Konvertible lån med tegningsrettigheter Merkur Market Intern Passing Juice
2018-09-28 Belships ASA - Vurdering av tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2018-08-14 - Grieg Seafood ASA - Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2018-02-16 - EMAS - Delisting of shares from the Oslo Stock Exchange.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2018-02-14 - Oceanteam ASA – Violation of disclosure obligations and other issuer rules.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2018-01-26 Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA - Kritikk for brudd på informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2017-12-29 Saga Tankers ASA - Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2017-12-01 Northern Drilling Ltd - Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2017-11-07 IEC - Delisting.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2017-08-09 EVRY ASA - Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2017-07-05 SalMar ASA - Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2017-06-14 RenoNorden ASA - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2017-06-01 Island Offshore Shipholding L.P. - Overtredelse av ABM-reglene Intern Passing Juice
2017-04-19 Veiledning knyttet til gjennomføring av reparasjonsemisjoner Intern Passing Juice
2017-03-23 Island Offshore Shipholding L.P - Brudd på ABM-reglene om offentliggjøring av regnskap Intern Passing Juice
2017-01-04 Endring vedrørende tidspunkt for offentliggjøring av informasjonspliktige opplysninger og flaggemeldinger som oppstår utenom Børsens åpn... Intern Passing Juice
2016-12-28 Wilson ASA - Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2016-12-19 Rem Offshore ASA - Merknader til klage og omgjøring av vedtak om ileggelse av overtredelsesgebyr Intern Passing Juice
2016-11-16 REM Offshore ASA - Overtredelse av løpende forpliktelser pkt. 2.1 om likebehandling Intern Passing Juice
2016-12-08 - Axis Offshore - Public Criticism.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2016-11-03 Philly Shipyard ASA – Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2016-10-26 Nordea Markets - Manglende rapportering av obligasjonshandler Intern Passing Juice
2016-10-14 Siem Shipping Inc – Vedtak om strykning fra notering på Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
2016-08-24 Sandnes Sparebank - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
Merkur Market klagenemnd - Avgjørelse 1 - 2016 - Oxxy Group PLC Intern Passing Juice
2016-07-08 REM Offshore ASA - Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2016-06-15 Offentliggjøring av innsideinformasjon på selskapenes egne nettsider Intern Passing Juice
2016-03-03 Otium AS - Overtredelse av ABM-reglene Intern Passing Juice
2015-09-23 Sparebank1 Østfold Akershus - Rettet emisjon - likebehandling Intern Passing Juice
2015-09-15 Havfisk ASA og Ocean Yield ASA – Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2015-07-02 Interoil Exploration and Production ASA - Exemption from the mandatory offer obligation.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2015-06-15 Evry ASA - Vedtak om avslag på søknad om strykning fra notering på Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
2015-05-26 Scana Industrier ASA - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt samt manglende offentliggjøring av utvidet børsmelding Intern Passing Juice
2015-04-13 Fred Olsen Energy ASA – Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt ved fusjon Intern Passing Juice
2015-06-02 Frontline Ltd - Exemption from the Norwegian rules on take-over bids.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2015-02-23 Knightsbridge Shipping - Exemption from the Norwegian rules on take-over bids.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2014-09-17 Hexagon Composites ASA – Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt ved fisjon Intern Passing Juice
2014-05-09 African Petroleum Corporation Limited - Exemption from Norwegian rules on take-over bids.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2014-01-29 I.M. Skaugen SE - Dispensasjon fra tilbudsplikt ved fusjon Intern Passing Juice
2013-11-25 Atlantic Petroleum.pdf Intern Passing Juice
2013-08-29 IGE Resources AB - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2013-07-04 Northland Resources - Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
2013-05-13 DNO International ASA - Exemption from the mandatory offer obligation Intern Passing Juice
2013-01-30 Intex Resources ASA – Overtredelse av løpende informasjonsplikt Intern Passing Juice
Vedtak og uttalelser 2023 Intern Passing Juice
Vedtak og uttalelser 2022 Intern Passing Juice
Vedtak og uttalelser 2021 Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and Statements 2020 Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2019 Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2018.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Circulars, decisions and statements 2017.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Circulars, decisions and statements 2016.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Circulars, decisions and statements 2015.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Circulars, decisions and statements 2014.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Circulars, decisions and statements 2013.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Circulars, decisions and statements 2012.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Circulars, decisions and statements 2011.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Circulars, decisions and statements 2010.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2009.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2008.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2007.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2006.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2005.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2004.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2003.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2002.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2001.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 2000.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 1999.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Decisions and statements 1998.pdf Intern Passing Juice
Statement regarding compliance with the Norwegian Transparency Act Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - Euronext Growth Oslo - Accounting standards for admission to trading Intern Passing Juice
Attachment - Euronext Growth - Oslo Rule Book Part II (accounting standards). Intern Passing Juice
Høring - Regnskapsstandard som kan benyttes ved notering på Euronext Growth Oslo Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg - Euronext Growth Oslo Regelbok - Del II - regnskapsstandarder som kan benyttes Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - regulations for Euronext Growth Oslo Intern Passing Juice
Høring - reglene for Euronext Growth Oslo Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 1A - Euronext Growth Oslo Regelbok - Del II Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 1B - Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book - Part II Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 2A - Notis 2.2 - Prosedyrer for opptak til handel av Aksjer - april 2022 Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 2B - Notice 2.2 - Procedures for admission to trading of Shares - April 2022 Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 3 - Notice 2.3 - Content requriements and checklist for Information Document Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - Clearing of subscription rights Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - Clearing and settlement arrangements on Euronext Growth Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - Euronext Growth - EN - Oslo Rule Book Part II (Clearing and settlement arrangements) Intern Passing Juice
Høring utstederregler MAR – aksjer og egenkapitalbevis på Oslo Børs og Euronext Expand Intern Passing Juice
Høring utstederregler MAR – obligasjoner på Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
Høring utstederregler MAR – ETFer på Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
Høring utstederregler MAR – aksjer og egenkapitalbevis på Euronext Growth Oslo Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - Issuer Rules for ETFs - Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
Appendix 1A - Rule Book I - English Intern Passing Juice
Appendix 1B - Rule Book II - Chapter 2 and 5 Intern Passing Juice
Høring - Utstederregler - Nordic ABM Intern Passing Juice
Consultation Trading Rules - Merkur Market Intern Passing Juice
Appendix 1 - Harmonized Rule Book I - English Intern Passing Juice
Appendix 2 - Euronext Growth Rule Book Intern Passing Juice
Appendix 3 - Trading Manual Intern Passing Juice
Høring - Utstederregler - Merkur Market Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 1A - Euronext Growth Regelbok - Engelsk versjon Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 1B - Euronext Growth Regelbok - Kapittel 1, 3 og 4 - Norsk versjon Intern Passing Juice
Høring utstederregler Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 1A - Regelbok I - Engelsk Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 1B - Regelbok I - Kapittel 1 og 6 Intern Passing Juice
Vedlegg 2 - Oslo Regelbok II Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - Nordic ABM Member and trade reporting rules Intern Passing Juice
Nordic ABM Member and Trade Reporting Rules Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - Member and Trading Rules Intern Passing Juice
Appendix 1- Euronext Rule Book I Intern Passing Juice
Appendix II - Oslo Rule Book II - Member and Trading Rules Intern Passing Juice
Appendix III - Trading Manual Intern Passing Juice
Consultation - Derivatives Rules Intern Passing Juice
Nyheter om regelverk Intern Passing Juice
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Deutsche Externa Passing Juice
Raise capital Intern Passing Juice
Why go public? Intern Passing Juice
How to go public Intern Passing Juice
Types of Listing Intern Passing Juice
Choosing a Market Intern Passing Juice
IPO journey Intern Passing Juice
Choosing advisors Intern Passing Juice
Rules, Fees and Forms Intern Passing Juice
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ESG for issuers Intern Passing Juice
My ESG Profile Intern Passing Juice
Life as a listed company Intern Passing Juice
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Bond Financing Intern Passing Juice
ESG Bond Barometer Intern Passing Juice
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Equities Intern Passing Juice
Bonds Intern Passing Juice
List on Euronext Dublin Intern Passing Juice
List on the Global Exchange Market (GEM) Intern Passing Juice
List on Euronext Intern Passing Juice
List on Euronext Growth & Euronext Access Intern Passing Juice
How to list on Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
How to list on Nordic ABM Intern Passing Juice
Asset-Backed Securities Intern Passing Juice
Commercial Papers Intern Passing Juice
Corporate Bonds Intern Passing Juice
Covered Bonds Intern Passing Juice
ESG bonds Intern Passing Juice
SBTi 1.5° ESG Bonds Issuers Intern Passing Juice
High Yield Bonds Intern Passing Juice
Medium Term Notes Intern Passing Juice
Sovereign Bonds Intern Passing Juice
Sukuk Intern Passing Juice
ETFs Intern Passing Juice
List ETFs on Euronext Dublin Intern Passing Juice
List ETFs on Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Paris & Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
Funds Intern Passing Juice
List on Euronext Amsterdam Intern Passing Juice
List on Euronext Dublin Intern Passing Juice
Warrants & Certificates Intern Passing Juice
How to list Warrants & Certificates on Euronext Intern Passing Juice
Structured Notes Intern Passing Juice
How to list Structured Notes on Euronext Intern Passing Juice
Indices for product creation Intern Passing Juice
Trade Intern Passing Juice
Best of Book Intern Passing Juice
Membership Intern Passing Juice
Admission Process and Application Intern Passing Juice
Regulatory Framework Intern Passing Juice
Liquidity Provision Intern Passing Juice
Trading Services Intern Passing Juice
Fees & Charges Intern Passing Juice
Trading Hours & Holidays Intern Passing Juice
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Market Quality publications Intern Passing Juice
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Equity Trading Newsletter Intern Passing Juice
Equities Intern Passing Juice
Best of Book Intern Passing Juice
Dark trading Intern Passing Juice
Global Equity Market Intern Passing Juice
Fixed Income Intern Passing Juice
Funds Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Fund Services Intern Passing Juice
Euronext ESG Funds Intern Passing Juice
ETFs Intern Passing Juice
Warrants & Certificates Intern Passing Juice
Structured Notes Intern Passing Juice
Financial Derivatives Intern Passing Juice
ESG Derivatives Intern Passing Juice
Sector Index Derivatives Intern Passing Juice
Stock Futures Intern Passing Juice
Stock Options Intern Passing Juice
Dividend Futures Intern Passing Juice
Equity Index Futures & Options Intern Passing Juice
ETF Options Intern Passing Juice
Total Return Futures Intern Passing Juice
Wholesale Trading & RFC Intern Passing Juice
Derivatives tradable from U.S. Intern Passing Juice
Commodities Intern Passing Juice
Commodities news Intern Passing Juice
Wholesale Trading Intern Passing Juice
Durum Wheat Futures Intern Passing Juice
Corn Derivatives Intern Passing Juice
Milling Wheat Derivatives Intern Passing Juice
Rapeseed Derivatives Intern Passing Juice
Wood Pellet Derivatives Intern Passing Juice
Indices Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Indices Intern Passing Juice
Index news Intern Passing Juice
Technology Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Data Centre Intern Passing Juice
Connectivity Intern Passing Juice
Connectivity Services Intern Passing Juice
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Trading Solutions Intern Passing Juice
Traderpath For Market-Making Intern Passing Juice
Traderpath For Brokering Intern Passing Juice
Traderpath Suite For Cloud Intern Passing Juice
Algorithmicpath For Trading Intern Passing Juice
Exchangepath For SI/OTF/MTF Intern Passing Juice
Riskpath For Sponsored Access Intern Passing Juice
Data Solutions Intern Passing Juice
Optiq, Tech Solutions for Exchanges Intern Passing Juice
Managed Services for Venue Operators Intern Passing Juice
MTF Intern Passing Juice
Systematic Internaliser Intern Passing Juice
Digital Asset Venues Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Solutions Intern Passing Juice
Infrastructure and Connectivity Intern Passing Juice
Data Intern Passing Juice
Market Data Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Optiq MDG Cloud Intern Passing Juice
Market Data Products Intern Passing Juice
Cash Market Data Intern Passing Juice
Derivatives Market Data Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Index Data Intern Passing Juice
Euronext APA Data Intern Passing Juice
How To Access Market Data Intern Passing Juice
Market Data Agreements Intern Passing Juice
Market Data Pricing & Policies Intern Passing Juice
MiFID II Intern Passing Juice
Reference Data Intern Passing Juice
Corporate Actions Data Intern Passing Juice
Historical Data Intern Passing Juice
Full Order Book Intern Passing Juice
Volume and Open Interest Intern Passing Juice
End of Day Index Data Intern Passing Juice
Oslo Bors Products Intern Passing Juice
Mutual Funds Services Intern Passing Juice
Web Services Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Quantitative Research Intern Passing Juice
Announcement Services Intern Passing Juice
Corporate Services Intern Passing Juice
Oslo Børs News Feed Intern Passing Juice
Oslo Børs Publication Service Intern Passing Juice
IR Web Modules Intern Passing Juice
LEI Services Intern Passing Juice
ISIN, CFI and FISN Services Intern Passing Juice
Post-Trade Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Securities Intern Passing Juice
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News Intern Passing Juice
Careers Intern Passing Juice
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Regulatory Environment Intern Passing Juice
CSDR Intern Passing Juice
Client segregation Intern Passing Juice
LEI Code Intern Passing Juice
SDR Intern Passing Juice
SRD II Intern Passing Juice
CMH Intern Passing Juice
Billing Enhancement Intern Passing Juice
Register and AGM platform Intern Passing Juice
Corporate Events Service Intern Passing Juice
Copenhagen Intern Passing Juice
Issuance Intern Passing Juice
Bonds Intern Passing Juice
Shares Intern Passing Juice
Structured Investment Products Intern Passing Juice
Investment Funds Intern Passing Juice
FundHub Intern Passing Juice
Clearable ISINs in FundHub Intern Passing Juice
Issuing Agent Services Intern Passing Juice
Assignment of ISINs Intern Passing Juice
Initial public offer (IPO) Intern Passing Juice
Post Trade Services Intern Passing Juice
Settlement Intern Passing Juice
Communication Formats Intern Passing Juice
Collateral Management Intern Passing Juice
Asset Services Intern Passing Juice
Collateral Accounts Intern Passing Juice
Corporate Actions Intern Passing Juice
Safekeeping Services Intern Passing Juice
Opening days Intern Passing Juice
Evaluation of the Danish market migrating to TARGET2-Securities Intern Passing Juice
Conditional Securities Intern Passing Juice
Penalties calendar Intern Passing Juice
Investor Services Intern Passing Juice
Shareholder Register Services Intern Passing Juice
Meeting Services Intern Passing Juice
Virtual General Meeting Intern Passing Juice
Election and Voting Services Intern Passing Juice
InvestorPortal Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Corporate Services Intern Passing Juice
Current AGM's Intern Passing Juice
Ancillary Services Intern Passing Juice
Data Services Intern Passing Juice
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René Stockner Intern Passing Juice
Jesper Lauritsen Intern Passing Juice
Amra Besic Pedersen Intern Passing Juice
User Committee Intern Passing Juice
Management Intern Passing Juice
Niels Hjort Rotendahl Intern Passing Juice
Frank Thermann Intern Passing Juice
Henrik Ohlsen Intern Passing Juice
Preben Rosenberg Intern Passing Juice
Anne Kaas Hammer Intern Passing Juice
Annette Klynge Intern Passing Juice
Articles of Association Intern Passing Juice
Complaints Intern Passing Juice
Whistleblowing Intern Passing Juice
Legal Framework Intern Passing Juice
Regulation Intern Passing Juice
Supervision Intern Passing Juice
CPMI IOSCO Report Intern Passing Juice
VP Rule Book Intern Passing Juice
How To Become a Customer Intern Passing Juice
Participation Agreement Intern Passing Juice
Prices and Fees Intern Passing Juice
Segregation of Securities Intern Passing Juice
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Report Bail In External Execution Intern Passing Juice
CSDR Intern Passing Juice
What CSDR means for Euronext Securities Milan Intern Passing Juice
What CSDR means for our Clients Intern Passing Juice
User Committee Intern Passing Juice
The Settlement Discipline Regime Intern Passing Juice
Shareholder Rights Directive II Intern Passing Juice
CMH - Corporate Actions Standards Intern Passing Juice
Data Solutions Intern Passing Juice
Intermediaries Intern Passing Juice
T2S Gateway Intern Passing Juice
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Cross Market Documents Intern Passing Juice
Statistics & Operational Data Intern Passing Juice
Settlement Efficiency Intern Passing Juice
Questionnaires Intern Passing Juice
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T2S Collateral Eligible Securities Intern Passing Juice
Eurostat Intern Passing Juice
Istat Intern Passing Juice
French Inflation Intern Passing Juice
Coupon Stripping Intern Passing Juice
Issuers Intern Passing Juice
Register & AGM Services Intern Passing Juice
Issuance Services Intern Passing Juice
Issuer Services Intern Passing Juice
S.r.l. Dematerialisation Intern Passing Juice
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Registrering og administrasjon Intern Passing Juice
VPS Issuer Services Intern Passing Juice
Virtuell Generalforsamling Intern Passing Juice
Obligasjoner, fond og ETPer Intern Passing Juice
Registrering og administrasjon Intern Passing Juice
Obligasjonseiermøte Intern Passing Juice
Corporate Actions Intern Passing Juice
Fond Intern Passing Juice
Investorkommunikasjon Intern Passing Juice
Oppgjør Intern Passing Juice
VPS Oppgjørsinfo Intern Passing Juice
Utvidet dekningskontroll og sweeping Intern Passing Juice
VPS Settlement Benchmark Intern Passing Juice
Meldingsformidling ISO 15022 og ISO 20022 Intern Passing Juice
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Kunde- og kontoadministrasjon Intern Passing Juice
Oppbevaring Intern Passing Juice
VPS Investortjenester Intern Passing Juice
Skatt Intern Passing Juice
Aksjesparekonto Intern Passing Juice
ASK-godkjente verdipapirer Intern Passing Juice
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Management Reports and By-Laws Intern Passing Juice
Risk Management Intern Passing Juice
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Centralised Systems Intern Passing Juice
Issues Registration, Control and Cancellation Intern Passing Juice
Securities Transfer Intern Passing Juice
Exercise of ownership Intern Passing Juice
Settlement Systems Intern Passing Juice
Real Time Settlement System Intern Passing Juice
Non-euro Currency Settlement System Intern Passing Juice
Other Services Intern Passing Juice
National Numbering Agency Intern Passing Juice
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Real Time Settlement System Intern Passing Juice
Settlement of market operations Intern Passing Juice
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Operational Documentation and Working Papers Intern Passing Juice
Fee Books Intern Passing Juice
Legislation and Regulation Intern Passing Juice
CSD Regulation (CSDR) Intern Passing Juice
INTERBOLSA Regulations Intern Passing Juice
Complementary Legislation Intern Passing Juice
Securities code Intern Passing Juice
Regulation of the Guarantee Fund Intern Passing Juice
File repository Intern Passing Juice
Shareholders Rights Directive Intern Passing Juice
Identification of Beneficial Holders Intern Passing Juice
General Meetings Intern Passing Juice
SRD II – Timeline Intern Passing Juice
T2S – TARGET2-Securities Intern Passing Juice
Links Intern Passing Juice
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Statistics Intern Passing Juice
Legal Data Intern Passing Juice
Due Diligence FAQ Intern Passing Juice
Operations Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Optiq® migration Intern Passing Juice
IT Infrastructure Intern Passing Juice
BCS (Bit Clearing Station) Intern Passing Juice
ICWS (Internet Clearing WorkStation) Intern Passing Juice
Certificates Intern Passing Juice
Business Continuity Plan Intern Passing Juice
Risk Management Intern Passing Juice
Methodologies Intern Passing Juice
Parameters Intern Passing Juice
Risk Disclosure Intern Passing Juice
Risk Array Intern Passing Juice
Investment Policy Intern Passing Juice
Model Validation Intern Passing Juice
Operational Risk Intern Passing Juice
Basel III Reporting Intern Passing Juice
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Events Intern Passing Juice
Internship at Borsa Italiana Intern Passing Juice
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Bell and Gong Ceremony Intern Passing Juice
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Financial Calendar Intern Passing Juice
Growth for impact 2024 Intern Passing Juice
Financial Information Intern Passing Juice
Regulated Information and Investor News Intern Passing Juice
Financial presentations Intern Passing Juice
Quarterly financial information and reports Intern Passing Juice
Financial reports Intern Passing Juice
Analyst Coverage Intern Passing Juice
Debt and Bond Intern Passing Juice
Corporate Governance Intern Passing Juice
Supervisory Board Intern Passing Juice
Supervisory Board Committees Intern Passing Juice
Managing Board Intern Passing Juice
Management transactions Intern Passing Juice
Capital and Shareholding Intern Passing Juice
Share Buyback Program Intern Passing Juice
Liquidity Provider Intern Passing Juice
Shareholder meetings Intern Passing Juice
Government Affairs Intern Passing Juice
Gong Ceremony Intern Passing Juice
Amsterdam Exchange Experience Intern Passing Juice
The Market Floor Intern Passing Juice
Euronext Lisbon Newsletter Intern Passing Juice
Lisbon Awards Intern Passing Juice
Kurs og seminarer Intern Passing Juice
Ledergruppen ved Oslo Børs Intern Passing Juice
Overtagelsestilbud Intern Passing Juice
Where to find Intern Passing Juice
Related: otomart.id, ouhsc.edu and owox.com

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