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mypy 1.10.0 documentation

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  • [H1] Welcome to mypy documentation!¶
  • [H1] Indices and tables¶
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Anker Type Juice
Getting started Interne Passing Juice
Type hints cheat sheet Interne Passing Juice
Using mypy with an existing codebase Interne Passing Juice
Built-in types Interne Passing Juice
Type inference and type annotations Interne Passing Juice
Kinds of types Interne Passing Juice
Class basics Interne Passing Juice
Annotation issues at runtime Interne Passing Juice
Protocols and structural subtyping Interne Passing Juice
Dynamically typed code Interne Passing Juice
Type narrowing Interne Passing Juice
Duck type compatibility Interne Passing Juice
Stub files Interne Passing Juice
Generics Interne Passing Juice
More types Interne Passing Juice
Literal types and Enums Interne Passing Juice
TypedDict Interne Passing Juice
Final names, methods and classes Interne Passing Juice
Metaclasses Interne Passing Juice
Running mypy and managing imports Interne Passing Juice
The mypy command line Interne Passing Juice
The mypy configuration file Interne Passing Juice
Inline configuration Interne Passing Juice
Mypy daemon (mypy server) Interne Passing Juice
Using installed packages Interne Passing Juice
Extending and integrating mypy Interne Passing Juice
Automatic stub generation (stubgen) Interne Passing Juice
Automatic stub testing (stubtest) Interne Passing Juice
Common issues and solutions Interne Passing Juice
Supported Python features Interne Passing Juice
Error codes Interne Passing Juice
Error codes enabled by default Interne Passing Juice
Error codes for optional checks Interne Passing Juice
Additional features Interne Passing Juice
Frequently Asked Questions Interne Passing Juice
GitHub eksterne Passing Juice
Website eksterne Passing Juice
latest Interne Passing Juice
stable Interne Passing Juice
pdf Interne Passing Juice
html Interne Passing Juice
epub Interne Passing Juice
Project Home Interne Passing Juice
Builds Interne Passing Juice
Interne Passing Juice
Interne Passing Juice
Installing and running mypy Interne Passing Juice
Dynamic vs static typing Interne Passing Juice
Strict mode and configuration Interne Passing Juice
More complex types Interne Passing Juice
Local type inference Interne Passing Juice
Types from libraries Interne Passing Juice
Next steps Interne Passing Juice
Variables Interne Passing Juice
Useful built-in types Interne Passing Juice
Functions Interne Passing Juice
Classes Interne Passing Juice
When you’re puzzled or when things are complicated Interne Passing Juice
Standard “duck types” Interne Passing Juice
Forward references Interne Passing Juice
Decorators Interne Passing Juice
Coroutines and asyncio Interne Passing Juice
Start small Interne Passing Juice
Run mypy consistently and prevent regressions Interne Passing Juice
Ignoring errors from certain modules Interne Passing Juice
Fixing errors related to imports Interne Passing Juice
Prioritise annotating widely imported modules Interne Passing Juice
Write annotations as you go Interne Passing Juice
Automate annotation of legacy code Interne Passing Juice
Introduce stricter options Interne Passing Juice
Speed up mypy runs Interne Passing Juice
Simple types Interne Passing Juice
Any type Interne Passing Juice
Generic types Interne Passing Juice
Type inference Interne Passing Juice
Explicit types for variables Interne Passing Juice
Explicit types for collections Interne Passing Juice
Compatibility of container types Interne Passing Juice
Context in type inference Interne Passing Juice
Silencing type errors Interne Passing Juice
Class types Interne Passing Juice
The Any type Interne Passing Juice
Tuple types Interne Passing Juice
Callable types (and lambdas) Interne Passing Juice
Union types Interne Passing Juice
Optional types and the None type Interne Passing Juice
Type aliases Interne Passing Juice
Named tuples Interne Passing Juice
The type of class objects Interne Passing Juice
Generators Interne Passing Juice
Instance and class attributes Interne Passing Juice
Annotating __init__ methods Interne Passing Juice
Class attribute annotations Interne Passing Juice
Overriding statically typed methods Interne Passing Juice
Abstract base classes and multiple inheritance Interne Passing Juice
Slots Interne Passing Juice
String literal types and type comments Interne Passing Juice
Future annotations import (PEP 563) Interne Passing Juice
typing.TYPE_CHECKING Interne Passing Juice
Class name forward references Interne Passing Juice
Import cycles Interne Passing Juice
Using classes that are generic in stubs but not at runtime Interne Passing Juice
Using types defined in stubs but not at runtime Interne Passing Juice
Using generic builtins Interne Passing Juice
Using X | Y syntax for Unions Interne Passing Juice
Using new additions to the typing module Interne Passing Juice
Predefined protocols Interne Passing Juice
Simple user-defined protocols Interne Passing Juice
Defining subprotocols and subclassing protocols Interne Passing Juice
Invariance of protocol attributes Interne Passing Juice
Recursive protocols Interne Passing Juice
Using isinstance() with protocols Interne Passing Juice
Callback protocols Interne Passing Juice
Predefined protocol reference Interne Passing Juice
Operations on Any values Interne Passing Juice
Any vs. object Interne Passing Juice
Type narrowing expressions Interne Passing Juice
Casts Interne Passing Juice
User-Defined Type Guards Interne Passing Juice
Limitations Interne Passing Juice
Creating a stub Interne Passing Juice
Stub file syntax Interne Passing Juice
Using stub file syntax at runtime Interne Passing Juice
Defining generic classes Interne Passing Juice
Defining subclasses of generic classes Interne Passing Juice
Generic functions Interne Passing Juice
Generic methods and generic self Interne Passing Juice
Automatic self types using typing.Self Interne Passing Juice
Variance of generic types Interne Passing Juice
Type variables with upper bounds Interne Passing Juice
Type variables with value restriction Interne Passing Juice
Declaring decorators Interne Passing Juice
Generic protocols Interne Passing Juice
Generic type aliases Interne Passing Juice
Generic class internals Interne Passing Juice
The NoReturn type Interne Passing Juice
NewTypes Interne Passing Juice
Function overloading Interne Passing Juice
Advanced uses of self-types Interne Passing Juice
Typing async/await Interne Passing Juice
Literal types Interne Passing Juice
Enums Interne Passing Juice
Totality Interne Passing Juice
Supported operations Interne Passing Juice
Class-based syntax Interne Passing Juice
Mixing required and non-required items Interne Passing Juice
Unions of TypedDicts Interne Passing Juice
Final names Interne Passing Juice
Final methods Interne Passing Juice
Final classes Interne Passing Juice
Defining a metaclass Interne Passing Juice
Metaclass usage example Interne Passing Juice
Gotchas and limitations of metaclass support Interne Passing Juice
Specifying code to be checked Interne Passing Juice
Reading a list of files from a file Interne Passing Juice
Mapping file paths to modules Interne Passing Juice
How mypy handles imports Interne Passing Juice
Missing imports Interne Passing Juice
How imports are found Interne Passing Juice
Following imports Interne Passing Juice
Specifying what to type check Interne Passing Juice
Optional arguments Interne Passing Juice
Config file Interne Passing Juice
Import discovery Interne Passing Juice
Platform configuration Interne Passing Juice
Disallow dynamic typing Interne Passing Juice
Untyped definitions and calls Interne Passing Juice
None and Optional handling Interne Passing Juice
Configuring warnings Interne Passing Juice
Miscellaneous strictness flags Interne Passing Juice
Configuring error messages Interne Passing Juice
Incremental mode Interne Passing Juice
Advanced options Interne Passing Juice
Report generation Interne Passing Juice
Enabling incomplete/experimental features Interne Passing Juice
Miscellaneous Interne Passing Juice
Config file format Interne Passing Juice
Per-module and global options Interne Passing Juice
Inverting option values Interne Passing Juice
Import discovery Interne Passing Juice
Platform configuration Interne Passing Juice
Disallow dynamic typing Interne Passing Juice
Untyped definitions and calls Interne Passing Juice
None and Optional handling Interne Passing Juice
Configuring warnings Interne Passing Juice
Suppressing errors Interne Passing Juice
Miscellaneous strictness flags Interne Passing Juice
Configuring error messages Interne Passing Juice
Incremental mode Interne Passing Juice
Advanced options Interne Passing Juice
Report generation Interne Passing Juice
Miscellaneous Interne Passing Juice
Using a pyproject.toml file Interne Passing Juice
Configuration comment format Interne Passing Juice
Basic usage Interne Passing Juice
Daemon client commands Interne Passing Juice
Additional daemon flags Interne Passing Juice
Static inference of annotations Interne Passing Juice
Statically inspect expressions Interne Passing Juice
Using installed packages with mypy (PEP 561) Interne Passing Juice
Creating PEP 561 compatible packages Interne Passing Juice
Integrating mypy into another Python application Interne Passing Juice
Extending mypy using plugins Interne Passing Juice
Configuring mypy to use plugins Interne Passing Juice
High-level overview Interne Passing Juice
Current list of plugin hooks Interne Passing Juice
Useful tools Interne Passing Juice
Specifying what to stub Interne Passing Juice
Specifying how to generate stubs Interne Passing Juice
Additional flags Interne Passing Juice
What stubtest does and does not do Interne Passing Juice
Example Interne Passing Juice
Usage Interne Passing Juice
No errors reported for obviously wrong code Interne Passing Juice
Spurious errors and locally silencing the checker Interne Passing Juice
Ignoring a whole file Interne Passing Juice
Issues with code at runtime Interne Passing Juice
Mypy runs are slow Interne Passing Juice
Types of empty collections Interne Passing Juice
Redefinitions with incompatible types Interne Passing Juice
Invariance vs covariance Interne Passing Juice
Declaring a supertype as variable type Interne Passing Juice
Complex type tests Interne Passing Juice
Python version and system platform checks Interne Passing Juice
Displaying the type of an expression Interne Passing Juice
Silencing linters Interne Passing Juice
Covariant subtyping of mutable protocol members is rejected Interne Passing Juice
Dealing with conflicting names Interne Passing Juice
Using a development mypy build Interne Passing Juice
Variables vs type aliases Interne Passing Juice
Incompatible overrides Interne Passing Juice
Unreachable code Interne Passing Juice
Narrowing and inner functions Interne Passing Juice
Runtime definition of methods and functions Interne Passing Juice
Silencing errors based on error codes Interne Passing Juice
Enabling/disabling specific error codes globally Interne Passing Juice
Per-module enabling/disabling error codes Interne Passing Juice
Subcodes of error codes Interne Passing Juice
Requiring error codes Interne Passing Juice
Check that attribute exists [attr-defined] Interne Passing Juice
Check that attribute exists in each union item [union-attr] Interne Passing Juice
Check that name is defined [name-defined] Interne Passing Juice
Check that a variable is not used before it’s defined [used-before-def] Interne Passing Juice
Check arguments in calls [call-arg] Interne Passing Juice
Check argument types [arg-type] Interne Passing Juice
Check calls to overloaded functions [call-overload] Interne Passing Juice
Check validity of types [valid-type] Interne Passing Juice
Require annotation if variable type is unclear [var-annotated] Interne Passing Juice
Check validity of overrides [override] Interne Passing Juice
Check that function returns a value [return] Interne Passing Juice
Check that functions don’t have empty bodies outside stubs [empty-body] Interne Passing Juice
Check that return value is compatible [return-value] Interne Passing Juice
Check types in assignment statement [assignment] Interne Passing Juice
Check that assignment target is not a method [method-assign] Interne Passing Juice
Check type variable values [type-var] Interne Passing Juice
Check uses of various operators [operator] Interne Passing Juice
Check indexing operations [index] Interne Passing Juice
Check list items [list-item] Interne Passing Juice
Check dict items [dict-item] Interne Passing Juice
Check TypedDict items [typeddict-item] Interne Passing Juice
Check TypedDict Keys [typeddict-unknown-key] Interne Passing Juice
Check that type of target is known [has-type] Interne Passing Juice
Check for an issue with imports [import] Interne Passing Juice
Check that import target can be found [import-not-found] Interne Passing Juice
Check that import target can be found [import-untyped] Interne Passing Juice
Check that each name is defined once [no-redef] Interne Passing Juice
Check that called function returns a value [func-returns-value] Interne Passing Juice
Check instantiation of abstract classes [abstract] Interne Passing Juice
Safe handling of abstract type object types [type-abstract] Interne Passing Juice
Check that call to an abstract method via super is valid [safe-super] Interne Passing Juice
Check the target of NewType [valid-newtype] Interne Passing Juice
Check the return type of __exit__ [exit-return] Interne Passing Juice
Check that naming is consistent [name-match] Interne Passing Juice
Check that literal is used where expected [literal-required] Interne Passing Juice
Check that overloaded functions have an implementation [no-overload-impl] Interne Passing Juice
Check that coroutine return value is used [unused-coroutine] Interne Passing Juice
Warn about top level await expressions [top-level-await] Interne Passing Juice
Warn about await expressions used outside of coroutines [await-not-async] Interne Passing Juice
Check types in assert_type [assert-type] Interne Passing Juice
Check that function isn’t used in boolean context [truthy-function] Interne Passing Juice
Check that string formatting/interpolation is type-safe [str-format] Interne Passing Juice
Check for implicit bytes coercions [str-bytes-safe] Interne Passing Juice
Check that overloaded functions don’t overlap [overload-overlap] Interne Passing Juice
Notify about an annotation in an unchecked function [annotation-unchecked] Interne Passing Juice
Report syntax errors [syntax] Interne Passing Juice
Miscellaneous checks [misc] Interne Passing Juice
Check that type arguments exist [type-arg] Interne Passing Juice
Check that every function has an annotation [no-untyped-def] Interne Passing Juice
Check that cast is not redundant [redundant-cast] Interne Passing Juice
Check that methods do not have redundant Self annotations [redundant-self] Interne Passing Juice
Check that comparisons are overlapping [comparison-overlap] Interne Passing Juice
Check that no untyped functions are called [no-untyped-call] Interne Passing Juice
Check that function does not return Any value [no-any-return] Interne Passing Juice
Check that types have no Any components due to missing imports [no-any-unimported] Interne Passing Juice
Check that statement or expression is unreachable [unreachable] Interne Passing Juice
Check that expression is redundant [redundant-expr] Interne Passing Juice
Warn about variables that are defined only in some execution paths [possibly-undefined] Interne Passing Juice
Check that expression is not implicitly true in boolean context [truthy-bool] Interne Passing Juice
Check that iterable is not implicitly true in boolean context [truthy-iterable] Interne Passing Juice
Check that awaitable return value is used [unused-awaitable] Interne Passing Juice
Check that overrides of mutable attributes are safe [mutable-override] Interne Passing Juice
Dataclasses Interne Passing Juice
Data Class Transforms Interne Passing Juice
The attrs package Interne Passing Juice
Using a remote cache to speed up mypy runs Interne Passing Juice
Extended Callable types Interne Passing Juice
Why have both dynamic and static typing? Interne Passing Juice
Would my project benefit from static typing? Interne Passing Juice
Can I use mypy to type check my existing Python code? Interne Passing Juice
Will static typing make my programs run faster? Interne Passing Juice
Is mypy free? Interne Passing Juice
Can I use duck typing with mypy? Interne Passing Juice
I like Python and I have no need for static typing Interne Passing Juice
How are mypy programs different from normal Python? Interne Passing Juice
How is mypy different from Cython? Interne Passing Juice
Does it run on PyPy? Interne Passing Juice
Mypy is a cool project. Can I help? Interne Passing Juice
Interne Passing Juice
Sphinx eksterne Passing Juice
@pradyunsg eksterne Passing Juice
Furo eksterne Passing Juice
Welcome to mypy documentation! Interne Passing Juice
Related: myrecruit.co.za, myrocketcareer.com and mythical.com


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