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SiteChecker is a free SEO tool that provides recommendation for better search engine visibility.

coreiiyo.jp screenshot
coreiiyo.jp home screenshot

Coreiiyo.jp Onpage Report

 Updated on January 10 2024 08:17 AM

Old data? UPDATE this report !

The score is 41/100

SEO Content

Website Title

コレ、いいよ / TOPページ

Length : 15

Good! Your title is perfect because it is between 10 and 70 characters long.

Website Description

Length : 0

Oops! Your page does not have a meta description.


Hey! You should consider putting meta keywords on your page.

Og Meta Properties

Og Properties aren't being used on this page. This tag helps social crawlers like facebook and twitter to structure your page more effectively.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
0 8 0 0 0 0
  • [H2] 1週間でカラダが変わる!いま話題の“長生きみそ汁”を紹介!
  • [H2] 眠りについて4時間以内が勝負!寝苦しい夏でもぐっすり眠れる方法とは
  • [H2] いつもの納豆に足すだけ!“酢納豆”で高血圧を改善!
  • [H2] 高血圧の方は必見!さば水煮缶で突然死を防ごう
  • [H2] 1日3分!いま注目の頭のマッサージで肩こり・頭痛・睡眠障害など体の不調を改善!
  • [H2] 夏は要注意!冷たいビールを飲むだけで内臓温度は4℃下がる
  • [H2] 運動が逆効果に!?腰痛・ひざ痛も引き起こす“かかとの歪み”とは
  • [H2] 大ブーム!サバ缶を使った超簡単で美味しいレシピを特別公開!


We found 10 images on this web page.

Needs attention! Add alternative text to your images so that search engines can better grasp what they're about. There are 10 alt attributes that are either empty or missing.

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 18%

Good!, The text to HTML code ratio on this page is greater than 15 but less than 25.


Good!, you are not using Flash content.


Good!, This page does not contain any Iframes.

SEO URL Rewrite

Not Good. Your url have a query string and needs mod rewrite to be SEO friendly.

URL Underscores

No Good. In your URLs, we found underscores. To improve your SEO, you should consider using  hyphens instead.

In-page links

We found a total of 28 links including 0 link(s) to files

Anchor Type Juice
オンライン動画 Internal Passing Juice
ヘアケア用品 Internal Passing Juice
DVD Internal Passing Juice
オリジナル洗剤 Internal Passing Juice
スペシャルセット Internal Passing Juice
楽譜 Internal Passing Juice
しあわせ運べるように Internal Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
当サイトについて Internal Passing Juice
プライバシーポリシー Internal Passing Juice
特定商取引法に基づく表記 Internal Passing Juice
お問い合わせ Internal Passing Juice
コレ、いいよ Internal Passing Juice
Related: cpasakata.com, criptoarchi.com and deguchi-kensetu.co.jp

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

コレいいよ 消すと暑くて夜中に目が覚めてしまう夏はどうしても睡眠不足になりがちです 30度を超える屋外から冷房の効いた部屋に入る夏の寒暖差は血圧の急上昇に要注意日頃から高血圧を気にしている方はもちろん低血圧だからと安心している方にも是非試してもらいたい自宅でできる血圧コントロール法を紹介します 私たち日本人にとっては欠かせないみそ汁毎日必ず食べているという人も多いかと思いますが実はこのいつものみそ汁を少し変えるだけでガンや糖尿病動脈硬化など様々な病気を予防する長生きみそ汁になるんです今日から是非長生きみそ汁健康法をお試しください 眠りについて4時間以内が勝負寝苦しい夏でもぐっすり眠れる方法とは 寝苦しい今年の夏クーラーをつけたままだと冷えるし 1週間でカラダが変わるいま話題の長生きみそ汁を紹介 いつもの納豆に足すだけ酢納豆で高血圧を改善 そのまま睡眠負債を抱え込まないために誰でも簡単にぐっすり眠れるようになる方法の著者で睡眠の専門医白濱龍太郎先生に夏でもぐっすり眠るコツを教えてもらいました topページ

Keywords Consistency

Keyword Content Website Title Keywords Website Description Headings
コレいいよ 1
topページ 1
1週間でカラダが変わるいま話題の長生きみそ汁を紹介 1
私たち日本人にとっては欠かせないみそ汁毎日必ず食べているという人も多いかと思いますが実はこのいつものみそ汁を少し変えるだけでガンや糖尿病動脈硬化など様々な病気を予防する長生きみそ汁になるんです今日から是非長生きみそ汁健康法をお試しください 1
眠りについて4時間以内が勝負寝苦しい夏でもぐっすり眠れる方法とは 1



Domain : coreiiyo.jp

Length : 11


Nice, you are using Favicon for your website.


Ooops. Print-Friendly CSS recommended to your website.


Good. For declaring ja as your website's language.

Dublin Core

Oops. Dublin Core isn't being used on this page.





Good!. For specifying UTF-8 as your page charset.

W3C Validity

Errors : 9

Warnings : 0

Email Privacy

Awesome!, For converting your email address into image. Plain text tends email harvesting softwares to get your email address and will get receive spam mails later on.

Deprecated HTML

Great! No obsolete or deprecated HTML tags on your website. This is recommended to improve visitor's user experience.

Speed Tips

Good, Your page are not using nested tables.
Not Good., We found inline styles in your website. Try to avoid this as much as possible.
Perfect!, There are only a few CSS files on your website.
Needs attention!, We detected too much JS files on your page. (more than 6). Our Advice: try to minify or consolidate these JS files instead. This affects the speed of your page.
Bad, Your webpage does not use Gzip compression.


Mobile Optimization

Apple Icon
Meta Viewport Tag
Flash content


XML Sitemap


Hey! This is not good. There is no XML sitemap on your website.
A sitemap is a list of URLs that are crawlable and can include information such as your site's frequency of changes and most recent updates.



Awesome, A robots.txt file exists on your website.


Awesome!, An analytics tool is in use on your website. This is a must have for every website to check visitors activity and to know how many visitors a site received each day.

   Google Analytics

PageSpeed Insights


More: denpasupport.com, devsakaso.com, dhvi.net, drizzlecat.org, ecov.mx, educationsafetysolutions.com