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SiteChecker is a free SEO tool that provides recommendation for better search engine visibility.

kanatc.com screenshot
kanatc.com home screenshot

Kanatc.com Onpage Report

 Updated on May 13 2024 08:42 AM

Old data? UPDATE this report !

The score is 48/100

SEO Content

Website Title


Length : 11

Good! Your title is perfect because it is between 10 and 70 characters long.

Website Description


Length : 11

Hey!, Your meta description should ideally be between 70 and 160 characters long (spaces included).



Nice one, we check that you are using meta keywords on your website.

Og Meta Properties

Og Properties aren't being used on this page. This tag helps social crawlers like facebook and twitter to structure your page more effectively.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
0 6 4 0 0 0
  • [H2] 凯意科技2023校园招聘正式启动
  • [H2] 展会报告|凯意科技&晶圆级SiP先进封装产线明年精彩继续!
  • [H2] 2022年深圳国际电子展成功举办,最大晶圆级SiP先进封装产线精彩回顾
  • [H2] 【每日芯闻】南大光电:7款前驱体产品目前放量供应 主要客户包括中芯国际、长江存储等
  • [H2] 【每日芯闻】宁德时代:邦普时代项目开工,建成可为 400 万辆新能源汽车配套电池正极材料
  • [H2] 【每日芯闻】台积电资本拨款92亿美元用于购买设备 高管8月普遍增持
  • [H3] 晶圆制造
  • [H3] SiP&先进封装
  • [H3] 产品组装
  • [H3] 智能制造


We found 12 images on this web page.

Needs attention! Add alternative text to your images so that search engines can better grasp what they're about. There are 11 alt attributes that are either empty or missing.

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 18%

Good!, The text to HTML code ratio on this page is greater than 15 but less than 25.


Good!, you are not using Flash content.


Good!, This page does not contain any Iframes.

SEO URL Rewrite

Excellent! Your url seems SEO friendly.

URL Underscores

Good! There are no underscores in your URLs.

In-page links

We found a total of 43 links including 0 link(s) to files

Anchor Type Juice
- External Passing Juice
EN Internal Passing Juice
首页 Internal Passing Juice
关于我们 Internal Passing Juice
关于凯意 Internal Passing Juice
解决方案 Internal Passing Juice
晶圆制造 Internal Passing Juice
SiP&先进封装 Internal Passing Juice
产品组装 Internal Passing Juice
智能制造 Internal Passing Juice
资讯中心 Internal Passing Juice
行业观察 Internal Passing Juice
合作伙伴 Internal Passing Juice
联系我们 Internal Passing Juice
工作机会 Internal Passing Juice
查看详情 External Passing Juice
先进制程 Internal Passing Juice
MEMS与传感器 Internal Passing Juice
化合物半导体 Internal Passing Juice
特殊工艺 Internal Passing Juice
晶圆测试 Internal Passing Juice
WLP Internal Passing Juice
System on Substrate Internal Passing Juice
板级封装(PLP) Internal Passing Juice
MEMS及模组 Internal Passing Juice
芯片成品测试 Internal Passing Juice
焊接技术 Internal Passing Juice
贴装 Internal Passing Juice
光学及射线检查 Internal Passing Juice
通孔器件组装技术 Internal Passing Juice
测试及组装 Internal Passing Juice
仓储及物流 Internal Passing Juice
数据与信息系统 Internal Passing Juice
自动化改造 Internal Passing Juice
流程创新 Internal Passing Juice
关于凯意 Internal Passing Juice
发展历程 Internal Passing Juice
实习生招聘 Internal Passing Juice
应届生招聘 Internal Passing Juice
网站地图 Internal Passing Juice
法律声明 Internal Passing Juice
友情链接 Internal Passing Juice
粤ICP备05124112号 External Passing Juice
Related: megalis.com, nxxyk.com and vanlanschotkempen.com

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

electronic manufacturing around experts fabrication wafer 一个电子制造技术的平台 从晶圆到组装 查看详情 您身边的电子制造专家

Keywords Consistency

Keyword Content Website Title Keywords Website Description Headings
查看详情 4
electronic 2
manufacturing 2
一个电子制造技术的平台 2
wafer 2



Domain : kanatc.com

Length : 10


Nice, you are using Favicon for your website.


Ooops. Print-Friendly CSS recommended to your website.


You have to set your website's language.

Dublin Core

Oops. Dublin Core isn't being used on this page.





Good!. For specifying UTF-8 as your page charset.

W3C Validity

Errors : 0

Warnings : 0

Email Privacy

Awesome!, For converting your email address into image. Plain text tends email harvesting softwares to get your email address and will get receive spam mails later on.

Deprecated HTML

Great! No obsolete or deprecated HTML tags on your website. This is recommended to improve visitor's user experience.

Speed Tips

Good, Your page are not using nested tables.
Not Good., We found inline styles in your website. Try to avoid this as much as possible.
Perfect!, There are only a few CSS files on your website.
Needs attention!, We detected too much JS files on your page. (more than 6). Our Advice: try to minify or consolidate these JS files instead. This affects the speed of your page.
Bad, Your webpage does not use Gzip compression.


Mobile Optimization

Apple Icon
Meta Viewport Tag
Flash content


XML Sitemap


Hey! This is not good. There is no XML sitemap on your website.
A sitemap is a list of URLs that are crawlable and can include information such as your site's frequency of changes and most recent updates.



Awesome, A robots.txt file exists on your website.



Ooops. This website does not appear to have an analytics tool loaded. Web analytics allows you to track the behavior of your website's visitors. You should install at least one analytics program.

PageSpeed Insights


More: 31tjj.com, 3cubed.info, 3plasers.com, a-new86.com, ad-blue.jp, aeron-chair.work