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Oio.com.cn Onpage Report

 Updated on March 15 2024 04:16 AM

Old data? UPDATE this report !

The score is 50/100

SEO Content

Website Title


Length : 13

Good! Your title is perfect because it is between 10 and 70 characters long.

Website Description

天津市眼科医院是中国规模最大、分科最齐全及医疗、教学、科研、预防为一体的眼科专科医院之一,是新中国成立以后第一家眼科专科医院,地址:天津市和平区甘肃路4号。 电话:022-27313336

Length : 94

Awesome. Your meta description has a length of 70 to 160 characters.


眼科医院,天津市眼科医院,天津市眼科医院是中国规模最大、分科最齐全及医疗、教学、科研、预防为一体的眼科专科医院之一,是新中国成立以后第一家眼科专科医院,地址:天津市和平区甘肃路4号。 电话:022-27313336

Nice one, we check that you are using meta keywords on your website.

Og Meta Properties

Og Properties aren't being used on this page. This tag helps social crawlers like facebook and twitter to structure your page more effectively.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
0 8 53 16 0 0
  • [H2] 聚合力 促发展 天津市眼科医院第六届第十一...
  • [H2] A.就医流程
  • [H2] B.门诊分布
  • [H2] C.急诊须知
  • [H2] A.住院出院办理流程
  • [H2] A.住院分布
  • [H2] A.门诊医保
  • [H2] B.住院医保
  • [H3] 医院简介
  • [H3] 发展历程
  • [H3] 就医须知
  • [H3] 便民信息
  • [H3] 官方微博
  • [H3] 预约挂号
  • [H3] 医院讯息
  • [H3] 照片新闻
  • [H3] 视频新闻
  • [H3] 临床科室
  • [H3]
  • [H3]
  • [H3] 技术科室
  • [H3] 特色专业
  • [H3]
  • [H3] 眼科检查与治疗
  • [H3] 专家列表
  • [H3]
  • [H3] 科研动态
  • [H3] 眼科研究所
  • [H3] 继续教育
  • [H3] 继续教育新闻
  • [H3] 继续教育图片
  • [H3] 视频
  • [H3] 国内国际眼科会议
  • [H3] 眼科情报信息
  • [H3] 相关政策
  • [H3] 导师介绍
  • [H3] 重要通知
  • [H3] 进修概况及须知
  • [H3] 斜视与小儿眼科进修班
  • [H3] 屈光手术中心进修班
  • [H3] 眼前节进修班
  • [H3] 眼眶病眼外伤进修班
  • [H3] 玻璃体视网膜病进修班
  • [H3] 视光中心进修班
  • [H3] 视功能检查进修班
  • [H3] 基地介绍
  • [H3] 培训政策
  • [H3] 报考招录
  • [H3] 新闻快讯
  • [H3] 眼科社区服务
  • [H3] 爱眼知识
  • [H3] 专题介绍
  • [H3]
  • [H3]
  • [H3]
  • [H3]
  • [H3] 教育科研
  • [H3] 专题信息
  • [H3] 社区服务
  • [H3] 爱眼知识
  • [H3] 友情链接
  • [H4] 科研动态丨我院召开科研工作交流...
  • [H4] 我院“Q医”智慧门诊系统正...
  • [H4] 眼科医联体合作再谱新篇 惠民医...
  • [H4] 科普促健康 携手向未来|5.1...
  • [H4] 按科室查询
  • [H4] 按拼音查询
  • [H4] 按出诊时间查询
  • [H4] 临床科室
  • [H4] 技术科室
  • [H4] 眼科研究所
  • [H4] 门诊就医
  • [H4] 住院出院
  • [H4] 医保须知
  • [H4] 其它须知
  • [H4] 眼科检查与治疗更多
  • [H4] 2021年度决算公开


We found 35 images on this web page.

Needs attention! Add alternative text to your images so that search engines can better grasp what they're about. There are 25 alt attributes that are either empty or missing.

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 29%

Good ratio! The text to HTML code ratio for this page is between 25 and 70.


Good!, you are not using Flash content.


Bad!, We found Iframe(s) in your page. The content within that Iframe cannot be index by Search Engines.

SEO URL Rewrite

Excellent! Your url seems SEO friendly.

URL Underscores

Good! There are no underscores in your URLs.

In-page links

We found a total of 179 links including 0 link(s) to files

Anchor Type Juice
邮箱登录 External Passing Juice
English Internal Passing Juice
关于我们 External Passing Juice
医院简介 Internal Passing Juice
发展历程 Internal Passing Juice
就医流程 Internal Passing Juice
医保须知 Internal Passing Juice
住院须知 Internal Passing Juice
其它须知 Internal Passing Juice
地理位置 Internal Passing Juice
门诊分布 Internal Passing Juice
住院分布 Internal Passing Juice
官方微博 External Passing Juice
预约挂号 Internal Passing Juice
医院讯息 Internal Passing Juice
南开区卫健委检查组莅临市眼科医院检查指导安全生产、消防工作 Internal Passing Juice
天津市眼科医院2024年预算公开 Internal Passing Juice
天津市眼科医院张伟教授、王雁教授等受邀出席第39届亚太眼科年会并获殊荣 Internal Passing Juice
2024海河眼科国际论坛暨天津市眼科医院建院百年学术交流邀请函 Internal Passing Juice
温暖除夕 情满眼院 Internal Passing Juice
照片新闻 Internal Passing Juice
我院召开新冠肺炎疫情防控工作推动会 Internal Passing Juice
武清一村支部书记疫情防控期间擅离职守并参与赌博,被撤职 Internal Passing Juice
房租、融资、纳税 我市惠企“组合拳” 招招实打实 Internal Passing Juice
疾控专家张颖:别叫我网红,该停的停! Internal Passing Juice
连线对话我市新冠肺炎治愈出院患者:是什么让这位大男孩的肺腑之言感人至深? Internal Passing Juice
视频新闻 Internal Passing Juice
视光中心 Internal Passing Juice
医学验光,科学配镜—天津眼科验配中心视光专业篇 Internal Passing Juice
第五届全国道德模范候选人-市眼科医院张敬民 Internal Passing Juice
天津市眼科医院社区服务直通车 Internal Passing Juice
社区直通车:《光明大巴进湖南》 Internal Passing Juice
斜视与小儿眼科 Internal Passing Juice
白内障治疗中心 Internal Passing Juice
玻璃体视网膜疾病治疗科 Internal Passing Juice
激光视力矫正中心 Internal Passing Juice
眼眶病眼整形科 Internal Passing Juice
青光眼科 Internal Passing Juice
眼表疾病科-含角膜病 Internal Passing Juice
综合一部-眼外伤专业 Internal Passing Juice
中西医结合眼科 Internal Passing Juice
眼病急救中心 Internal Passing Juice
视光中心 Internal Passing Juice
低视力康复科 Internal Passing Juice
整形与皮肤美容科 Internal Passing Juice
临床麻醉科 Internal Passing Juice
临床眼科药学-药剂科 Internal Passing Juice
视功能检查科 Internal Passing Juice
检验科 Internal Passing Juice
医学影像科 Internal Passing Juice
眼科检查与治疗 Internal Passing Juice
专家列表 Internal Passing Juice
出诊时间 Internal Passing Juice
科研动态 Internal Passing Juice
眼科研究所 Internal Passing Juice
继续教育 Internal Passing Juice
继续教育新闻 Internal Passing Juice
继续教育图片 Internal Passing Juice
视频 Internal Passing Juice
国内国际眼科会议 Internal Passing Juice
眼科情报信息 Internal Passing Juice
相关政策 Internal Passing Juice
导师介绍 Internal Passing Juice
重要通知 Internal Passing Juice
进修概况及须知 Internal Passing Juice
斜视与小儿眼科进修班 Internal Passing Juice
眼前节进修班 Internal Passing Juice
眼眶病眼外伤进修班 Internal Passing Juice
玻璃体视网膜病进修班 Internal Passing Juice
视光中心进修班 Internal Passing Juice
视功能检查进修班 Internal Passing Juice
基地介绍 Internal Passing Juice
培训政策 Internal Passing Juice
报考招录 Internal Passing Juice
新闻快讯 Internal Passing Juice
关于直通车 Internal Passing Juice
群众眼中的直通车 Internal Passing Juice
媒体眼中的直通车 Internal Passing Juice
爱眼知识 Internal Passing Juice
创先争优 Internal Passing Juice
全国爱眼日 Internal Passing Juice
人才招聘 Internal Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
[阅读全文] Internal Passing Juice
科研动态丨我院召开科研工作交流... Internal Passing Juice
我院2023年国家自然科学基金申报... Internal Passing Juice
我院2023年国家自然科学基金申报... Internal Passing Juice
科研动态丨“天津市眼科医院2023... Internal Passing Juice
继教动态丨敬请关注国家级一类继... Internal Passing Juice
2022年度南开大学眼科学研究院开... Internal Passing Juice
更多>> Internal Passing Juice
我院“Q医”智慧门诊系统正... Internal Passing Juice
市委常委会召开扩大会议,传达学... Internal Passing Juice
天津:传达学习贯彻习近平总书记... Internal Passing Juice
旗帜指引方向 思想凝聚力量——2... Internal Passing Juice
承百年荣光 谱团青新篇——共青... Internal Passing Juice
眼科科普丨眼睛居然也会溃疡?! Internal Passing Juice
更多>> External Passing Juice
眼科医联体合作再谱新篇 惠民医... Internal Passing Juice
八一建军节丨关注社会优抚 助力... Internal Passing Juice
眼科医联体暨视光分中心开业给蓟... Internal Passing Juice
眼科光明行 再续津和情 ——记我... Internal Passing Juice
全国爱眼日丨关注普遍眼健康 共... Internal Passing Juice
我院与蓟州区人民医院举行医联体... Internal Passing Juice
科普促健康 携手向未来|5.1... Internal Passing Juice
世界青光眼周丨青光眼的身心治疗 Internal Passing Juice
世界青光眼周丨浅谈激光周边虹膜... Internal Passing Juice
世界青光眼周丨青光眼的危险因素 Internal Passing Juice
世界青光眼周丨青光眼术后的注意... Internal Passing Juice
眼科科普丨双眼皮冷知识之“隐形... Internal Passing Juice
斜视与小儿眼科中心 Internal Passing Juice
白内障治疗中心 Internal Passing Juice
玻璃体视网膜治疗中心 Internal Passing Juice
准分子激光屈光手术中心 Internal Passing Juice
眼眶病眼整形 Internal Passing Juice
青光眼专业 Internal Passing Juice
眼表疾病专业-含眼角膜病 Internal Passing Juice
综合一部-眼外伤专业 Internal Passing Juice
整形与皮肤美容科 Internal Passing Juice
A Internal Passing Juice
B Internal Passing Juice
C Internal Passing Juice
D Internal Passing Juice
E Internal Passing Juice
F Internal Passing Juice
G Internal Passing Juice
H Internal Passing Juice
I Internal Passing Juice
J Internal Passing Juice
K Internal Passing Juice
L Internal Passing Juice
M Internal Passing Juice
N Internal Passing Juice
O Internal Passing Juice
P Internal Passing Juice
Q Internal Passing Juice
R Internal Passing Juice
S Internal Passing Juice
T Internal Passing Juice
U Internal Passing Juice
V Internal Passing Juice
W Internal Passing Juice
X Internal Passing Juice
Y Internal Passing Juice
Z Internal Passing Juice
上午 Internal Passing Juice
下午 Internal Passing Juice
上午 Internal Passing Juice
下午 Internal Passing Juice
上午 Internal Passing Juice
下午 Internal Passing Juice
上午 Internal Passing Juice
下午 Internal Passing Juice
上午 Internal Passing Juice
下午 Internal Passing Juice
上午 Internal Passing Juice
下午 Internal Passing Juice
上午 Internal Passing Juice
下午 Internal Passing Juice
天津市眼科研究所简介 Internal Passing Juice
细胞电生理实验室 Internal Passing Juice
眼科病理实验室 Internal Passing Juice
分子遗传实验室 Internal Passing Juice
显微手术实验室 Internal Passing Juice
眼科免疫学研究室 Internal Passing Juice
玻璃体视网膜治疗中心 Internal Passing Juice
白内障中心 Internal Passing Juice
准分子中心 Internal Passing Juice
配镜中心 Internal Passing Juice
整形与皮肤美容科 Internal Passing Juice
办理诊断证明程序 Internal Passing Juice
办理各种报销用诊断证明程序 Internal Passing Juice
限制类技术清单 Internal Passing Juice
专家出诊一览表 Internal Passing Juice
天津市眼库(角膜捐献) Internal Passing Juice
2021年度决算公开 External Passing Juice
网站地图 Internal Passing Juice
人才招聘 Internal Passing Juice
津ICP备05012081号 External Passing Juice
Related: okna-vizo.eu, outdoorsklep.pl and prometheusgames.de

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

白内障治疗中心 医院简介 整形与皮肤美容科 综合一部-眼外伤专业 眼科研究所 预约挂号 继续教育 发展历程 爱眼知识 眼科检查与治疗

Keywords Consistency

Keyword Content Website Title Keywords Website Description Headings
整形与皮肤美容科 5
继续教育 3
预约挂号 3
白内障治疗中心 3
综合一部-眼外伤专业 3



Domain : oio.com.cn

Length : 10


Nice, you are using Favicon for your website.


Ooops. Print-Friendly CSS recommended to your website.


You have to set your website's language.

Dublin Core

Oops. Dublin Core isn't being used on this page.



XHTML 1.0 Transitional


Good!. For specifying UTF-8 as your page charset.

W3C Validity

Errors : 0

Warnings : 0

Email Privacy

Hey! You should convert your email addresses into image. This is to prevent the email harvesting software to catch your email address.

Deprecated HTML

Great! No obsolete or deprecated HTML tags on your website. This is recommended to improve visitor's user experience.

Speed Tips

Good, Your page are not using nested tables.
Not Good., We found inline styles in your website. Try to avoid this as much as possible.
Perfect!, There are only a few CSS files on your website.
Needs attention!, We detected too much JS files on your page. (more than 6). Our Advice: try to minify or consolidate these JS files instead. This affects the speed of your page.
Perfect, Your website makes use of Gzip compression.


Mobile Optimization

Apple Icon
Meta Viewport Tag
Flash content


XML Sitemap


Hey! This is not good. There is no XML sitemap on your website.
A sitemap is a list of URLs that are crawlable and can include information such as your site's frequency of changes and most recent updates.



Awesome, A robots.txt file exists on your website.



Ooops. This website does not appear to have an analytics tool loaded. Web analytics allows you to track the behavior of your website's visitors. You should install at least one analytics program.

PageSpeed Insights


More: rmbz.net, soucili.pw, star-brasil.com, stopapteka.ru, utorrentfree.ru, 7ball.com.br