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Revisión del sitio web Nasonbuchanan.com

 Generado el Diciembre 15 2021 03:53 AM

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Título del sitio web

Nason Buchanan- Community Relations Strategist - Nason Buchanan

Longitud : 63

¡Bien! Tu título es perfecto porque tiene entre 10 y 70 caracteres.

Sitio web Descripción

Longitud : 0

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clave Palabras clave

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Propiedad Contenido
locale en_US
type website
title Nason Buchanan- Community Relations Strategist - Nason Buchanan
url https://nasonbuchanan.com/
site_name Nason Buchanan
image https://nasonbuchanan.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/3-3.png


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
4 1 12 1 0 9
  • [H1] Dedicated and Influential Man of Service 
  • [H1] Striving to Inspire and Strengthen Communities
  • [H1] Testimonials
  • [H1] I've had the pleasure of working with Nason for over a decade. He is a sincere servant leader that brings forth fresh and innovative ideas to complex problems. His hard work ethics coupled with his strong and diverse network places him far above his peers.
  • [H2] Community Partners
  • [H3] Stinson Brown
  • [H3] Nason has been in my corner since 2013. We met at my high school where he among some other mentors came to give us young men some advice and guidance on how to maneuver as young Black men. At any event that I’m invited to speak at I tell the story of how we met and what impact he has had on my life. Nason has been consistent throughout the years in not only providing me with words of encouragement but placing me in actual positions to exercise my skillset.
  • [H3] Malik Xavier Roger
  • [H3] Eddie Melton
  • [H3] Skipp Townsend 
  • [H3] Kimberly Wilson
  • [H3] John Kapral
  • [H3] Maryum “May May” Ali
  • [H3] Jonathan Franklin
  • [H3] Marcellus Baz
  • [H3] Cameron Williamson-Martin
  • [H3] Helen Kim
  • [H4] Nason Buchanan
  • [H6] Nason represents the City’s best practices by interfacing with local, citywide, statewide and international platforms. With an emphasis on social, economic and education matters. As a former GRYD (gang reduction youth development) coordinator he has successfully navigated working between the known gang leaders, gang impacted communities, Law Enforcement and a litany of other community-based organizations. I have worked off and on with some of his projects for approximately a decade. His organizational skills and ability to connect others is a skill and the city of Los Angeles is a better city because of individuals like himself.
  • [H6] Working with Nason over the last several years I've learned what true compassion and assisting others really means. Nason has gone above and beyond to help the communities in South LA begin to heal. Thank you Nason for your commitment to our city.
  • [H6] I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Nason for the past few years. Partnering with Nason, the Mayor’s Office and My Brother’s Keeper has been a wonderful experience. Nason’s passion for youth and underserved communities is extraordinary. It’s clear that he cares for the lives of the young men and women who benefit from the programs he oversees. I admire his relentless dedication to ensuring that young people are given a chance, resources and access to a better life. Nason is steadfast in his purpose.
  • [H6] Over the past year and a half, I've had the good fortune of collaborating with Nason on a series of charity events throughout the Crenshaw and LA area. Time and time again, I've seen him selflessly give of himself to benefit the communities and the people in the South LA region. If I had to choose 3 words to describe Mr. Buchanan it would be honorable, passionate, and integrity. Judging by how the community embraces him as a leader and mentor, it is clear he's made an everlasting impression on children and parents alike.
  • [H6] What I admire the most about Nason Buchanan is his sincere love for community and his determination to connect people and organizations toward successful collaborations that can improve the quality of life of people in need.
  • [H6] Thank you for the impact you have on the future leaders of society. The importance of providing hope where it doesn’t exist, while maintaining where it does, is essential for community members. I’m encouraged by your passion, innovative mind, and consistency. Keep up the great work.
  • [H6] Nason has been instrumental in the success of Switch Up; he’s supported me with strategic and practical advice as well as mentored me though some of my most challenging times. I would recommend Nason to anyone who is seriously trying to make a meaningful impact in their communities.
  • [H6] Nason Buchanan has been a leader of example to me ever since becoming my mentor back in 2017 with the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative. His hard work and diligence toward getting the issues taken care of in our communities are boundless and have created a following of fellow community members and leaders alike who all hold Mr. Buchanan in high regard for his care—not only to improving conditions in our community, but for his continuing mission to do more.
  • [H6] I’ve been fortunate and honored to work with Nason for my event and can’t say how much of an impact he made on all of the kids and attendees at the event. I highly recommend Nason for future events and outreach efforts. Thank you Nason for your dedicated service and passion to help those in need and the forgotten throughout our communities.


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Relación : 10%

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Dentro de la página de enlaces

Encontramos un total de 8 enlaces que incluyen 0 enlace (s) a archivos Los

de anclaje Tipo jugo
Home Interna jugo Pasando
About Interna jugo Pasando
Events Interna jugo Pasando
Services Interna jugo Pasando
Media Interna jugo Pasando
Contact Interna jugo Pasando
- Interna jugo Pasando
By Rizzy Set Up Strategist Externa jugo Pasando
Related: nyongesasande.com, peliseriesanimadashd.blogspot.com and pelisgoogledrivehd.com


Palabras clave de la nube

nason working gang been dedicated people communities events youth organizations

Palabras clave consistencia

Palabra Contenido Título del sitio web clave Palabras clave Sitio web Descripción Encabezados
nason 12
communities 4
gang 3
working 3
been 3



de dominio : nasonbuchanan.com

Longitud : 17


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Validez W3C

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Consejos de Velocidad

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JS count advice - error
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Optimización Móvil

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Herramientas de Analítica

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PageSpeed Insights


More: platinum-help.ca, rematesjpcisternas.cl, restaurantetogo-login.com, softwaretotal.net, sportsmomworld.myshopify.com, techchumz.com