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Recensione del sito web Saltcybersecurity.co.uk

 Generato il Settembre 16 2024 12:33 PM

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Titolo sito web

Home - Salt Cybersecurity

Lunghezza : 25

Bene! Il tuo titolo è perfetto perché è lungo tra 10 e 70 caratteri.

Sito Web Descrizione Parole

Salt Cybersecurity secures payments and authenticates users. Our products ensure the integrity and origin of digital transactions.

Lunghezza : 130

Stupendo. La tua meta descrizione ha una lunghezza da 70 a 160 caratteri.

Parole chiave

Hey! Dovresti considerare di inserire meta keyword nella tua pagina.

Og Meta Proprietà

Fantastico!, le proprietà OG vengono utilizzate nella tua pagina.

Proprietà Contenuto
locale en_US
type website
title Home - Salt Cybersecurity
description Salt Cybersecurity secures payments and authenticates users. Our products ensure the integrity and origin of digital transactions.
url https://www.saltcybersecurity.co.uk/
site_name Salt Cybersecurity
image https://www.saltcybersecurity.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/salt.jpg
image:width 1920
image:height 1280
image:type image/jpeg


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 13 1 3 6 38
  • [H1] Data is our most valuable resource today. How we use, move and protect it determines our place in the world.
  • [H2] There are £24b transactions every day in the UK. Our mission is to protect these transactions.
  • [H2] Our products help major financial institutions authenticate users and high value transactions in the UK and globally.
  • [H2] Safetronic Suite
  • [H2] Positronic eKYC
  • [H2] Salt mSign Mobile MFA
  • [H2] nShield HSMs
  • [H2] Secure payments and authentication
  • [H2] What Our Clients Say
  • [H2] Blog
  • [H2] Find out more about our suite of services!
  • [H2] Navigation
  • [H2] Information
  • [H2] Contact Info
  • [H3] We secure payments and authenticate user identities
  • [H4] HSMs in a Public Cloud Environment
  • [H4] The 2021 Ponemon Encryption Trends Study is here
  • [H4] CodeSafe – Core element of crypto strategy
  • [H5] Salt Cybersecurity products and services protect critical business systems and data  –  in transit, in use and at rest.
  • [H5] Support
  • [H5] Cryptographic services
  • [H5] Complex Systems Integration
  • [H5] Payment Systems
  • [H5] We provide 24×7 support services with Service Level Agreements in place for mission critical systems in major financial institutions and support is provided via a manned help desk for severity one issues.
  • [H6] What we do
  • [H6] Our products
  • [H6] Authentication Platform
  • [H6] Contemporary Authentication Methods
  • [H6] Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • [H6] Tamper Protected Configurable Audit and Event Log
  • [H6] eIDAS Support
  • [H6] Security Tokens – Mobile MFA, Biometric, EMV CAP, PKI, OATH
  • [H6] Hardware Security Module (HSM) Support
  • [H6] Digital Signing of High-Value B2B Payments supporting UK BACS, Faster Payments, etc.
  • [H6] UK Open Banking Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) / PSD2/SCA
  • [H6] Online User Verification
  • [H6] Streamline the eKYC process for new and returning customers
  • [H6] Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Machine Learning (AI) technology
  • [H6] Biometric face-to-photo matching for liveness matching
  • [H6] Mobile centric eKYC with the customer in full control of their identity information
  • [H6] Document Validation Service (DVS) against government records
  • [H6] Support for adjudication step where DVS is not available
  • [H6] Use of contemporary cryptographic standards based on NIST guidelines
  • [H6] Provides Runtime App Self-Protection (RASP) to protect against malware
  • [H6] User Authentication
  • [H6] Biometric Multi-Factor Authentication
  • [H6] Enables Password-less Authentication for Login to online services via any channel
  • [H6] Provides “Inter-App Single Authenticator” capability for third party mobile apps
  • [H6] High Value Transaction Signing with WYSIWYS (What You See Is What You Sign)
  • [H6] Supports quorum Approvals with multiple authorisers and advanced workflows
  • [H6] Uses contemporary cryptographic standards based on NIST guidelines
  • [H6] Provides Runtime App Self-Protection (RASP) to guard against malware
  • [H6] Supports Push Authentication, QR Authentication, Offline Authentication
  • [H6] Authentication requests can be rich content such as pdf, HTML, or free format text
  • [H6] Can be deployed as an Embedded Token via an SDK
  • [H6] Hardware Security Modules
  • [H6] nShield Connect XC & Connect
  • [H6] nShield Edge
  • [H6] nShield Solo XC & Solo+
  • [H6] nSaaS HSM as a Service Cloud based HSM
  • [H6] Our Services
  • [H6] Testimonials


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About Us interno succo Passando
Contact Us interno succo Passando
HSMs in a Public Cloud Environment interno succo Passando
The 2021 Ponemon Encryption Trends Study is here interno succo Passando
CodeSafe – Core element of crypto strategy interno succo Passando
Home interno succo Passando
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Related: samushrooms.com.au, sanjuansurfresort.ph and sanso.la

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Domain : saltcybersecurity.co.uk

Lunghezza : 23


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More: sargents.com.au, sazonadorsarita.com, sbpaellacatering.com, scotthuster.com, scssd.org, seancroxton.lpages.co