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 Generato il Giugno 16 2024 04:28 AM

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Titolo sito web

Discoverology • Browse Less, Know More.

Lunghezza : 39

Mooi zo! Uw titel is perfect omdat deze tussen 10 en 70 tekens lang is.

Sito Web Descrizione Parole

The internet is full of great stories, inspiring videos and brilliant products. We help you discover it all.

Lunghezza : 108

Geweldig. Uw metabeschrijving heeft een lengte van 70 tot 160 tekens.

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locale en_US
type website
title Discoverology • Browse Less, Know More.
description The internet is full of great stories, inspiring videos and brilliant products. We help you discover it all.
url https://discoverology.com/
site_name Discoverology
image https://discoverology.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/hp-share.png
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H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 4 40 40 0 0
  • [H1] Browse less, know more.
  • [H2] The most interesting stories, videos and products from around the web.
  • [H2] Virginia Mori
  • [H2] Matt Rota
  • [H2] Joseph Ford
  • [H3] You Can Own This Former ICBM Silo In The Arizona Desert
  • [H3] Total Recall: The People Who Never Forget
  • [H3] How Philadelphia Became "The First City That Bombed Itself"
  • [H3] Cryptoqueen: How This Woman Scammed The World, Then Vanished
  • [H3] Where Critics Stay: The Best Hotels, B&Bs and Hostels in 90 destinations
  • [H3] How Pink Salt Took Over Millennial Kitchens
  • [H3] Your Colleagues Don’t Read Anything You Write. Here's How to Change That.
  • [H3] The Strange Persistence Of First Languages
  • [H3] The Art Of Eviction
  • [H3] The Amish Keep To Themselves. And They’re Hiding A Horrifying Secret
  • [H3] I Lost My Identity To A Fraudster, And It Took Six Years To Clean Up The Mess
  • [H3] Smart Fitness Mirror Now Offers Personal Training Sessions
  • [H3] The Secret Life Of A Professional Statue
  • [H3] 1UP Creates The World's First Underwater Coral Graffiti Tag Artwork Off Bali
  • [H3] How Psychology Is Just Catching Up With The Effects Of Online Hate
  • [H3] The True Story Of The Fake US Embassy In Ghana
  • [H3] Sitzfleisch: The German Concept To Get More Work Done
  • [H3] How Facebook Works For Trump
  • [H3] Gallery: Teemu Jarvinen's Sapporo
  • [H3] "No Other Way To Say It", A Comedy About Advertising
  • [H3] New IKEA Store In Vienna Omits Parking And Celebrates Nature
  • [H3] "Miller & Son", Award-Winning LGBTQ Short Film
  • [H3] World Underwater, Exploring The Future Of The Earth
  • [H3] Fifty Years After The ‘Black 14’ Were Banished, Wyoming Football Reckons With The Past
  • [H3] Why Caviar Is So Expensive
  • [H3] What's Creating Thousands Of Craters Off The California Coast?
  • [H3] Can Mission-Driven Food Companies Scale Up Without Selling Out?
  • [H3] 2,000 Drones Replace Fireworks On New Year's Eve In Shanghai
  • [H3] Mystery Solved: We Now Know What's Going On In Area 51
  • [H3] The Last Giraffes On Earth
  • [H3] Dubai: Expectation vs Reality
  • [H3] The Small Virginia Town Where Drone Deliveries Have Begun For Real
  • [H3] A Vision For Agriculture
  • [H3] What Do Political Databases Know About You?
  • [H3] How A Small Texas City Rewrote The Rules Of Development
  • [H3] Teen Girl Invents Simple, Yet Innovative Way To Remove Blind Spots In Cars
  • [H3] ‘Astounding New Finds’ Suggest Ancient Empire May Be Hiding In Plain Sight
  • [H3] The Dark Side Of Charisma
  • [H3] Europe’s Largest Green Façade Has Been Completed In Germany
  • [H3] Rewilding The Planet
  • [H4] A former Titan II missile complex, the complex is a fixer upper and ready to become one of the few homes that once stood ready to pummel America’s enemies with the destructive force of 9,000,000 tons of TNT. The realtor posted a listing price of just $395,000.
  • [H4] Around 60 people in the world share a condition called “highly superior autobiographical memory”. They remember absolutely everything. The extremely rare condition may transform our understanding of memory.
  • [H4] In 1985, an armed standoff between Philadelphia police and members of a radical black liberation group, resulted in the deaths of eleven people. No police officers or city officials were ever charged for their role in what’s known as the MOVE bombing.
  • [H4] Ruja Ignatova called herself the Cryptoqueen. She told people she had invented a cryptocurrency to rival Bitcoin, and persuaded them to invest billions. Then, two years ago, she disappeared. Jamie Bartlett spent months investigating how she did it and trying to figure out where she’s hiding.
  • [H4] This Hotel lists hotel, hostel and bed & breakfast recommendations from trusted experts like New York Times, Lonely Planet, Fodor’s, Frommers, CNN and many more.
  • [H4] Although pink Himalayan salt is perfectly functional for its intended culinary purpose—making food salty—it’s never before been particularly prized or venerated for its quality. That makes its meteoric rise from food-world also-ran to modern lifestyle totem all the more unlikely.
  • [H4] Long emails and dense, difficult to decipher memos mean modern office communication goes ignored more often than it’s understood. Beneath these brutal realities, getting busy co-workers and bosses to take action means changing eight things about the way we communicate.
  • [H4] Czech was the only language I knew until the age of 2, when my family began a migration westward, from what was then Czechoslovakia through Austria, then Italy, settling eventually in Montreal, Canada. Along the way, a clutter of languages introduced themselves into my life.
  • [H4] In Brooklyn, the median rent has gone up about 10 percent in the six years since Quick Evic was founded, allowing the company to expand aggressively. In 2014 it brought in $20,000 in revenue, which ballooned to more than $300,000 by 2017. How one company helps landlords exploit a loophole in New York’s tenant laws.
  • [H4] Virtually every Amish victim I spoke to—mostly women but also several men—told me they were dissuaded by their family or church leaders from reporting their abuse to police or had been conditioned not to seek outside help. Some victims said they were intimidated and threatened with excommunication.
  • [H4] This essay is going to scare you. There is a better-than-average chance that, at some point in the last several years, your personal information was stolen. Not something small like a credit card account, but the good stuff, your Social Security number coupled with your birthdate.
  • [H4] Through the display’s two-way audio and video, users will be able to work one-on-one with trainers in real-time. Mirror will match users with trainers based on their preferred workout activity (i.e. yoga, kettlebell, kickboxing), trainer motivational style, session length and schedule. Each session will cost $40.
  • [H4] For several years in my 20s, off and on, I was a professional statue. Statue was both a noun and a verb. I was a statue; statuing was what I did. My job was, basically, not to react. Unless one of the tourists gave me what I wanted — a tip in the plastic lemonade pitcher at my feet — I gave them nothing.
  • [H4] Berlin’s 1UP Crew have been on the road and have recently stopped at Nusa Penida, a small island off Bali, building out a coral farm inside an environmentally safe “1UP” tag/frame. The world’s first underwater 3D Installation that serves as an artificial coral reef to help regenerate corals and marine life.
  • [H4] Lindsay Ellis is a video essayist. She makes videos commenting on films, TV shows, and other media. More than 860,000 people subscribe to her YouTube channel. But there is also this difficult aspect to what Ellis does: online hate.
  • [H4] The US state department said it had uncovered a fake embassy in Accra that had been issuing a stream of forged visas. The story went viral – but all was not as it seemed.
  • [H4] To have sitzfleisch means the ability to sit still for the long periods of time required to be truly productive; it means the stamina to work through a difficult situation and see a project through to the end. Angela Merkel has it in abundance – how do you cultivate this crucial skill?
  • [H4] During the 2016 election cycle, Trump’s team ran 5.9 million ads on Facebook, spending $44 million from June to November alone. He won the presidency by using the social network’s advertising machinery in exactly the way the company wanted. He’s poised to do it again.
  • [H4] Finnish street photographer Teemu Jarvinen draws inspiration from the traditions of cyberpunk and film noir, so when he took his camera to Sapporo, Japan earlier this year, he inserted those influences into his images of the city’s snowy streetscapes.
  • [H4] Director Tim Mason pulls the curtain back on the glamorous world of advertising in this short comedy about a voiceover actor trying to nail the right tone for a pair of indecisive ad creatives selling a fictitious children’s ice cream brand.
  • [H4] The querkraft-designed IKEA store in Vienna seeks to create a friendly, open, unconventional, and informal experience for users. The new building will be situated in an urban setting, and with no allotted parking, customers are expected to arrive by means of public transportation.
  • [H4] A transwoman mechanic lives between running her family’s auto shop during the day and expressing her femininity at night until an unforeseen event threatens the balance of her compartmentalized life.
  • [H4] Inspired by a trip to Venice, Italy, the series World Underwater explores the future of Earth. It imagines our world absolutely overwhelmed by global floods and rising waters. Images by American photographer and 3D artist Hayden Clay.
  • [H4] It had been nearly 50 years since the University of Wyoming banished 14 black players from its football team, but the decades-old dispute was all Tom Burman could think about as he guided his car across the grain-colored plains stretching from the Denver airport to campus.
  • [H4] Caviar is one of the most expensive foods in the world. Selling for up to $35,000 per kilo, it’s revered and relished by aristocrats across the globe. But it’s an acquired taste. Turns out, caviar wasn’t always so valuable.
  • [H4] Just off the coast of California, thousands of craterlike depressions, some as big as buses, dot the seafloor. These “micro depressions” are roughly 10 meters across and 1 meter deep—and nearly one-third of them contain garbage.
  • [H4] When just 10 companies—including Nestlé, Unilever, and General Mills—control the vast majority of food brands, it raises serious questions about the ability of mission-driven companies to hold on to their original intentions.
  • [H4] Nearly 2,000 drones took to the night sky and illuminated the Huangpu River in Shanghai to welcome in the new year. At around midnight, the drones gathered to form a running man. It moved forward, showing the changes and achievements Shanghai has made in the past 40 years.
  • [H4] While fanciful stories of alien spaceships continue to captivate the public, as recent internet memes attest, there’s little doubt that Groom Lake’s actual activities are of considerable interest—sufficiently so that in April 2019 Russia even dispatched one of its treaty-authorized Tu-154M Open Skies surveillance planes to spy on the base.
  • [H4] The planet’s tallest animal is in far greater danger than people might think. Until recently, giraffes have suffered from surprising scientific neglect. Few researchers have studied them in the wild, so even basic aspects of their lives remain mysterious.
  • [H4] Dubai – perhaps the best-known city of the United Arab Emirates, with a reputation for attracting the glamorous and the wealthy. Less than 5% of its GDP comes from oil, but it essentially has made its success through diversifying into property real estate, aviation, trade, banking and finance. But what’s going on beneath the surface?
  • [H4] Wing, a subsidiary of Google, chose Christiansburg (population 22,500) as its first launching site for American commercial drone delivery operations — it’s also testing in Australia and Finland — not only because of the relatively flat terrain and low population density, but because of nearby Virginia Tech University.
  • [H4] Allowing cows out to harvest their own feed and spread their own manure is the most profitable means of producing meat and milk. But, somehow, agricultural science has encouraged farmers to mount a treadmill of increasing yields of milk or meat by increasing the amount of production per unit input.
  • [H4] American citizens are inundated with political messages—on social networks, in their news feeds, through email, text messages, and phone calls. If you live in the US, you’re almost certainly being tracked by political organizations. They know a lot about you—but some data is just guesswork.
  • [H4] Last month, Bastrop, Texas, adopted a new building code, known as Bastrop Building Block, which radically alters how the city will approach development. The new flexible system was designed to address three interrelated issues hitting municipalities across the county: population growth, aging infrastructure, and outdated development patterns.
  • [H4] Alaina Gassler built a prototype system with a webcam, projector, and 3D-printed materials to fill in the space the car frame blocks from drivers. She mounted the webcam outside the passenger side A-pillar on a car and then displayed the live video on the inside pillar from a projector.
  • [H4] Evidence from Maya writing and art suggests Teotihuacan conquered Tikal outright, adding it to what some archaeologists see as a sweeping empire that may have included several Maya cities. Teotihuacan may have turned against Maya expatriates who had lived there peacefully for decades.
  • [H4] Charisma is a force that can rally people during difficult times, but it can also blind people and lead them to accept unwise actions, policies or conditions. And when it comes to leadership, political and professional, charisma matters more than we’d probably like to admit.
  • [H4] Over 30,000 plants and 5 miles of hornbeam hedges cover the newly completed Kö-Bogen II commercial and office building by German architecture firm Ingenhoven Architects. Located in Düsseldorf, the verdant structure features Europe’s largest green façade.
  • [H4] This is some of the newest land on the planet: Marker Wadden. Taking sand and mud from the lake floor, ecological engineers created seven islands enveloped by dunes and beaches. Now, a rich variety of plants, fish and insects have settled into that protected environment, along with vast numbers of breeding birds.


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