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Webbplatsgranskning Ryodoraku.org

 Uppdaterad Oktober 18 2024 11:00 AM

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Acupuncture wireless device BioPulse PRO to measure Ryodoraku and Su Jok points.

Längd : 80

Hej! Din titel ska helst vara mellan 10 och 70 tecken lång (mellanslag ingår).

Webbplats Beskrivning

New device Biopulse Pro, working wireless with smartphone/tablet program to measure Ryodoraku and Su Jok points.Biopulse Pro supports also desktop software for Windows Xp-Windows 10.

Längd : 182

Hej! Din metabeskrivning bör helst vara mellan 70 och 160 tecken lång (mellanslag ingår).


New device Biopulse Pro, working wireless with smartphone/tablet program to measure Ryodoraku and Su Jok points.

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Og Properties används inte på denna sida. Denna tagg hjälper sociala sökrobotar som facebook och twitter att strukturera din sida mer effektivt.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 9 9 11 0 0
  • [H1] BioPulse Pro - Acupuncture points screening, colour therapy and frequency therapy device.
  • [H2] Allows to screen acupuncture points based on Ryodoraku method and promotes body balancing with colour and frequency therapies.
  • [H2] BioPulse program
  • [H2] How does Biopulse Pro work
  • [H2] BioPulse Pro device
  • [H2] Screening/testing function
  • [H2] Package
  • [H2] Buyers' testimonials
  • [H2] Questions and answers
  • [H2] Package options and costs
  • [H3] The standard configuration of the device has a program for smartphones, tablets and PCs (Windows operated). The program enables a user to manage clients database, conduct testing acupuncture points (Chinese and Korean (Su Jok method) acupuncture, view meridian graphs. All other advanced features like analysis (ratios and reports), acupuncture recommendations and other, you can buy additionally if your practice needs it.
  • [H3] Acupuncture points screening with bluetooth technology and program on your smartphone/tablet.
  • [H3] We serve acupuncturists and alternative medicine practitioners from 2001 year.
  • [H3] If you have needs or questions for us, please get in touch through the contact form at the bottom page
  • [H3] Students and practitioners, you will always find your device configuration according your budget.
  • [H3] Student
  • [H3] Practitioner
  • [H3] Practitioner Plus
  • [H3] Subscribe for our news!
  • [H4] Program
  • [H4] Device
  • [H4] Additional features
  • [H4] ...
  • [H4] ...
  • [H4] ...
  • [H4] How and where is it possible to buy the device and software?
  • [H4] What is the warranty for the device?
  • [H4] What software are compatible with the device ?
  • [H4] Can I purchase device and use it if I am not a practitioner?
  • [H4] We will run sometimes generous specials. Be updated with our news, special offers and discounts


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Related: sa-living.com.au, sahabet115.com and saravanaabhavan.de

SEO Nyckelord

Nyckelord Cloud

software device pro program biopulse frequency points practitioner acupuncture testing

Nyckelord Konsekvens

Nyckelord innehåll webbplatstitel Nyckelord Webbplats Beskrivning Rubriker
device 37
software 29
program 24
points 19
pro 17



Domain : ryodoraku.org

Längd : 13


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